引用本文:曹绪龙,祝仰文,韩玉贵,刘坤. 聚合物分子结构与老化稳定性关系研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2016, 45(2): 58-61.
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在胜利油田三类油藏条件下,系统研究了聚合物分子结构与长期稳定性能的关系。研究表明,疏水缔合聚合物依靠分子链间相互作用而具有优异的长期稳定性能,其次是耐温抗盐单体共聚物,而高分子量聚丙烯酰胺最差;提高缔合单体含量、提高聚合物特性黏数、降低水解度和在分子结构中引入功能单体能明显改善长期稳定性能;当疏水缔合聚合物分子结构中含0.5%(mol)的缔合单体、15%(w)的2-丙烯酰胺基-2-甲基丙磺酸、特性黏数值大于1 400 mL/g和水解度低于20%时,经120天老化后,溶液不会发生相分离,仍具有一定的增黏能力。 
关键词:  疏水缔合聚合物  三类油藏  分子结构  长期稳定性  相分离 
Study on the relationship of polymer molecular structure and long-term stability
Cao Xulong, Zhu Yangwen, Han Yugui, Liu Kun
(Exploration and Development Research Institute, Sinopec Shengli Oilfeld Company, Dongying 257015, China)
The relationship of polymer molecular structure and long-term stability was studied in the third oil reservoirs condition in Shengli Oilfield. The results indicated that hydrophobically associating polymer has best long-term stability performance depending on interaction between molecule chains, then the worse is heat and salt resistance copolymer, and the worst is polyacrylamide with high molecular weight. Through improving hydrophobic monomer content, enhancing polymer molecular weight, reducing the degree of hydrolysis and introducing the function monomer in the molecular structure, the long-term stability performance has been improved obviously. When hydrophobe molar fraction is 0.5%, 2-acrylamido-2-methylpropane sulfonic acid quality score is 15% in the hydrophobically associating polymer molecular structure, the intrinsic viscosity value is more than 1 400 mL/g and the degree of hydrolysis is lower than 20%, the solution will not occur phase separation and still has certain viscosity ability after aging 120 days.
Key words:  hydrophobically associating polymer  the third oil reservoir  molecular structure  long-term stability  phase separation