引用本文:刘清,王超. 天然气超音速旋流脱水装置设计及凝结特性分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2016, 45(3): 1-5.
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天然气中含有的水蒸气往往会导致单位体积气体发热量降低,减少输送管道的流通面积,其中的CO2和H2S溶于液态水后还会腐蚀管路。针对实际开采过程中的高压天然气含水问题,结合流体力学和工程热力学原理,设计了1套前置式超音速天然气旋流脱水装置。基于国内外研究现状,建立了超音速旋流天然气凝结流动的数值模型,包括多组分两相膨胀流动模型和水蒸气凝结模型。对超音速旋流天然气脱水装置各个工作段的流动特性进行了数值研究,得出装置内部压力、温度、马赫数、水蒸气内部成核率、湿度的分布规律,并根据数值模拟结果对超音速旋流天然气脱水装置进行了优化设计。 
关键词:  超音速  天然气  旋流  脱水  凝结特性 
Design and condensing characteristics analysis of natural gas supersonic vortex dehydration unit
Liu Qing1, Wang Chao2
(1. School of Mechatronics Engineering and Automobile Service, Wuhan Business University, Wuhan 430056, China;2. State Key Laboratory of Coal Combustion, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China)
Water vapor in natural gas often leads to the decrease of gas calorific value per unit volume; it also reduces the flow area of pipeline. Moreover, the CO2 and H2S will corrode the pipeline when dissolved in liquid water. According to the containing water problems in high pressure natural gas during development, a roof-mounted type supersonic cyclone flow natural gas dehydration unit was designed in combination with the fluid mechanics and engineering thermodynamics principle. Based on the research status at home and abroad, the supersonic natural gas condensate flow numerical model was built, including multicomponent two-phase expansion flow model and water vapor condensing model. The flow characteristics of each work section of supersonic natural gas dehydration unit were numerical analyzed, and the device internal pressure, temperature, Mach number, vapor nucleation rate, moisture distribution were obtained. According to the results of numerical simulation, optimization design was carried out to improve the efficiency of separation.
Key words:  supersonic  natural gas  vortex  dehydration  condensing characteristics