引用本文:惠艳妮,付钢旦,贾友亮,李旭日,李辰. 新型抗凝析油泡排剂的研究及应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2016, 45(3): 72-75.
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针对高含凝析油气井泡排剂应用效果差的问题,在两性表面活性剂链上引入亲油类阴离子表面活性剂,充分反应后,加入自制长链烷基类阳离子表面活性剂,生成一类抗油性能较好的新型泡排剂。采用GB/T 13173.6-2000《洗涤剂发泡力的测定》、SY/T 5761-1995《排水采气用起泡剂CT5-2》和SY/T 6465-2000《泡沫排水采气用起泡剂评价方法》对该泡排剂进行室内性能测试,其在60 ℃、凝析油体积分数30%条件下,发泡高度及携液率分别高达105 mm、62%,其抗温能力可达120 ℃,抗盐250 g/L、抗甲醇30%(φ)。在苏里格气田开展4口井现场试验(凝析油体积分数10%~25%),加注后气井平均油套压差降低2.21 MPa,产气量增加0.45×104 m3/d,排水采气效果明显。 
关键词:  泡排剂  泡沫排水  凝析油  矿化度 
基金项目:中石油集团(股份)公司科技项目“长庆油田油气当量上产5 000万吨关键技术—长庆气田稳产及提高采收率技术研究”(2011E-1306)。
Research and application of a new type of foam drainage agent for resistance to condensate oil
Hui Yanni, Fu Gangdan, Jia Youliang, Li Xuri, Li Chen
(Oil and Gas Technology Research Institute, PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Branch Company, National Engineering Laboratory of Low Permeability Oil and Gas Exploration and Development, Xi’an 710021, China)
Aiming at the poor application effect of foaming agent in gas well with high content of condensate oil, using ampholytic surfactant as the main agent, introducing pro oil anionic surfactant on its side chain,adding a kind of self made cationic surface active agent after full reaction, a new type of foaming agent with good oil resistance has been produced. The laboratory performance of foaming agent was tested according to GB/T 13173.6-2000 Determination of foaming power of detergent, SY/T 5761-1995 Foaming agent for gas drainage CT5-2 and SY/T 6465-2000 Evaluation method of foaming agent for drainaging gas recovery. Under the conditions of 60 ℃ and condensate oil content of 30%, its foaming height and liquid carrying rate are as high as 105 mm and 62%, and it can be adapted to the temperature of 120 ℃, the mineralization degree of 250 g/L, methanol content of 30%. Four wells tests (10%~25% condensate oil content) in Sulige gas field were carried out, and the average pressure difference for oil and casing reduced 2.21 MPa, and gas production increased 0.45×104 m3/d, drainage gas recovery effect was obviously.
Key words:  foaming agent  foam drainage  condensate oil  mineralization degree