引用本文:陈凯,向海,柳华. 芳烃抗爆添加剂对航空汽油性能影响研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2016, 45(5): 1-5.
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系统地研究了芳烃化合物对航空汽油基础油抗爆性能、蒸气压及馏程的影响。研究结果表明,芳烃化合物苯胺、均三甲苯、甲苯、异丙苯均能有效提高基础油抗爆性能,且在相同的加入浓度下,苯胺对基础油抗爆性能提高最优。研究同时发现,尽管邻二甲苯及环戊烷的马达法辛烷值大于基础油辛烷值,但基础油中加入邻二甲苯反而降低了基础油辛烷值。此外,航空汽油基础油中加入苯胺、甲苯或对二甲苯均会导致基础油蒸气压降低,且随着基础油中芳烃含量的增加线性减小。尽管间二甲苯及均三甲苯与基础油混合后燃料终馏点满足标准中对航空汽油馏程的要求,但其50%或90%时的馏出温度不能满足标准要求。进一步研究还表明,基础油中加入多种芳烃化合物所引起的基础油辛烷值的增量等于每一种芳烃化合物所引起的基础油辛烷值增量的加和。 
关键词:  芳烃化合物  航空汽油  抗爆性能 
Research on the impact of aromatic antiknock additives on the properties of aviation gasoline
Chen Kai, Xiang Hai, Liu Hua
(The Second Research Institute of CAAC, Chengdu 610207, China)
The impacts of aromatic compounds on antiknock performance, vapor pressure and distillation of aviation gasoline base fuel were systematically studied. The experimental results showed that aromatic compounds such as aniline, mesitylene, toluene and cumene could effectively improve basic fuel antiknock performance. With the same blending concentration, aniline was the strongest antiknock improver. Experimental results also showed that motor octane number (MON) decreased with increased o-xylene concentration in fuel even though the MONs of o-xylene and cyclopentane were higher than that of base fuel. Moreover, base fuel vapor pressure linearly decreased with increased aniline, toluene or p-xylene concentration. The distillation temperature for 50 vol% evaporated and 90 vol% evaporated were out of specification even though the final boiling points for m-xylene and base fuel mixture and for mesitylene and base fuel mixture were within standard limit. Further study showed that the MON increment caused by mixing aviation gasoline base fuel with several aromatic compounds was equal to the sum of MON increment caused by mixing base fuel with single aromatic compound individually.
Key words:  aromatic compound  aviation gasoline  antiknock performance