引用本文:汪蝶,张引弟,杨建平,伍丽娟. LNG接收站BOG再冷凝工艺HYSYS模拟及优化[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2016, 45(5): 30-34.
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在BOG的再冷凝工艺流程中,主要能耗来源于压缩机。为了减少BOG的压缩能耗,保障系统稳定运行,分析了BOG压缩过程压力比焓(p-H)的变化,并运用HYSYS对原有BOG处理工艺流程进行了模拟研究,由此对工艺流程和系统作了改进及优化。结果 表明,改进后的工艺流程比原有工艺流程压缩机能耗降低约15.5%,最小物料比也相对减少,两者降低有利于系统的稳定运行。 
关键词:  BOG  再冷凝  HYSYS模拟  节能  优化 
基金项目:国家自然科学基金“CO2气氛下煤及碳氢燃料燃烧碳烟颗粒物 (Soot) 的形成机制”(51306022);湖北省自然科学基金“CO2氛围下煤粉火焰挥发组分中碳烟颗粒物 (Soot) 的形成机制研究”(2013CFB398);中国石油科技创新基金“稠油热采地面注汽锅炉热能高效利用及CO2富集驱油联产技术研究”(2015D-5006-0603);长江青年科技创新团队基金“页岩气采输流动保障及应用新技术”(2015cqt01)。
HYSYS simulation and optimization of BOG recondensation process at LNG receiving terminal
Wang Die1, Zhang Yindi1, Yang Jianping2, Wu Lijuan1
(1. School of Petroleum Engineering, Yangtze University, Wuhan 430100, China;2. SAGD Development Project Management Department of Liaohe Oilfield Company, PetroChina, Panjing 124010,China )
During the BOG recondensation process, the work of compressor is the main energy consumption. This paper aimed to reduce the energy consumption in BOG treatment process and ensure the stability of the system. Based on the analysis of pressure-enthalpy (p-H) variation in BOG compression process, the BOG treatment process is simulated by HYSYS. And then the process and system are optimized in this paper. The results show that the optimized system energy costs 15.5% less than the original system, and the minimal material ratio also diminishes. Both decreases in optimized system are useful for the stable operation of the system.
Key words:  BOG  recondensation  HYSYS simulation  energy conservation  optimization