引用本文:魏江,冯李立,郑小青,郑松. 用夹点技术对丙烷脱氢制丙烯装置换热网络优化分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2016, 45(5): 39-42.
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丙烷脱氢制丙烯是一种较新的丙烯生产工艺,目前国内已有多套丙烷脱氢装置。为了有效地降低装置能耗,采用夹点技术对丙烷脱氢制丙烯工艺的换热网络进行了分析及流程优化。结合实际生产操作参数,建立了装置全流程模型,并从该模拟结果中提取参与换热的冷、热物流数据。利用夹点分析技术,找出原有换热网络存在的问题,并提出了节能优化方案,对优化方案进行模拟计算,证明方案的合理性及节能效益。 
关键词:  丙烷脱氢  换热网络  夹点技术  流程模拟  节能 
Optimization and analysis for heat exchanger network of propane dehydrogenation plant by using pinch technology
Wei Jiang1, Feng Lili2, Zheng Xiaoqing1, Zheng Song1
(1. Automation Academy, Hangzhou Dianzi University,Hangzhou 311100, China;2. Hangzhou Kuntian Automation System Co., Ltd,Hangzhou 311100, China)
The propane dehydrogenation (PDH) to propylene is a new process for the production of propylene. In order to reduce the energy consumption of PHD plant, the heat exchanger network of propane dehydrogenation plant is analyzed and optimized by using pinch technology. The whole process model of PDH plant is established based on the actual operation parameters, from which the properties of hot and cold streams involved in the heat exchange are obtained. The problems of the old heat exchanger network are found out and the energy saving optimization scheme is proposed using pinch technology. And the optimization scheme is simulated and calculated. The simulation results show that the optimization scheme is reasonable and may save energy.
Key words:  propane dehydrogenation  heat exchanger network  pinch technology  process simulation  energy saving