引用本文:刘改焕,刘慧敏,陈韶华,肖秋涛,程林. 一种新型的天然气脱蜡脱水脱烃工艺[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2016, 45(6): 1-4.
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通过对低温分离工艺中蜡堵问题的分析和研究,提出了一种新型的低温分离天然气脱蜡脱水脱烃装置及方法,即在传统低温脱水脱烃工艺的基础上,利用低温醇烃液与原料天然气中石蜡组成“相似相溶”的原理,将低温分离器底部的低温醇烃液通过泵注入到原料天然气中,改变天然气的组成,有利于石蜡在原料气分离器中的分离,降低原料气分离器分离温度,从而提高分离效率,减少醇液注入量,降低低温分离系统与醇液再生系统的能耗,降低操作费用,起到节能减排的作用,同时还能解决低温分离过程中的结蜡问题。 
关键词:  脱蜡  脱水  脱烃  醇烃液  相似相溶  降低能耗 
A novel process of natural gas dewaxing, dehydration and dehydrocarbon
Liu Gaihuan, Liu Huimin, Chen Shaohua, Xiao Qiutao, Cheng Lin
(China Petroleum Engineering Co., Ltd. Southwest Company, Chengdu 610041, China)
According to the study on wax plugging problem of low-temperature separation process, a novel method of natural gas dewaxing, dehydration and dehydrocarbon was proposed, which is based on the similarity-intermiscibility theory of alcohol-hydrocarbon liquid and wax ingredients. The low-temperature alcohol-hydrocarbon liquid was injected into the feed gas to change the composition of the feed natural gas, which is beneficial for the separation of wax from the feed gas separator and lowering the separation temperature of the feed gas separator. As a result, the high separation efficiency can be obtained. Meanwhile, the injection rate of alcohol liquid could be reduced, which lead to energy reduction of the low-temperature separation system and alcohol liquid regeneration system, lowering the operating cost. It has a positive effect on energy conservation and emissions reduction, and it can also solve the problem of wax plugging in the process of low temperature separation.
Key words:  dewaxing  dehydration  dehydrocarbon  alcohol-hydrocarbon liquid  similarity-intermiscibility  energy consumption reduction