引用本文:黄坤,王舒婷,王小尚,廖柠,闫文灿,裴全斌,等. LNG接收站发热量调整工艺研究及经济评价[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2016, 45(6): 43-49.
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1.西南石油大学油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室 ;2.西南石油大学石油与天然气工程学院;3.中国石油化工集团公司天然气分公司
以中国某LNG接收站为例,针对该接收站进料LNG中C+2组分浓度过高导致的互换性及经济性问题,分别采用轻烃回收和注氮/液氮工艺调整外输天然气产品的发热量,利用HYSYS软件模拟4种发热量调整系统的综合能耗,并对其进行经济效益评价。此外,基于能量计量计价方式分析4种流程调整发热量的经济性。结果 表明,在体积计量体系下,注液氮工艺调整发热量经济性最好,其税后净利润较轻烃回收法高出36.83%;在能量计量体系下,轻烃回收、注氮方案一、二和注液氮方案三这4种工艺调整发热量的收益较原有计价方式分别提升了8.67%、12.15%、12.16%和7.09%,其中注液氮流程税后净利润最高。由此可知,在现今发热量调整技术现状下,在高压外输泵出口处注液氮工艺流程简单、设备投资少,调整发热量效益最高。 
关键词:  轻烃回收  注氮  发热量调整  LNG接收站  能量计量  经济评价 
Study and economic evaluation of calorific value adjustment process in the LNG terminal
Huang Kun1,2, Wang Shuting2, Wang Xiaoshang3, Liao Ning2, Yan Wencan3, Pei Quanbin3, Xia Baoding3
(1. State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, China;2. School of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, China;3. Natural Gas Branch of China Petrochemical Corporation, Beijing 100120, China)
A certain typical liquefied natural gas (LNG) receiving terminal in China as an example,for the exchange and economic problems caused by high C+2 components in the feed-in liquefied natural gas,the calorific value of natural gas products is adjusted by extracting C2 and C+3 components from rich LNG and injecting nitrogen/liquid nitrogen. In order to evaluate incomes of the four kinds of technologies, ethane and C+2 recovery and nitrogen gas injection (plan A & B) and liquid nitrogen injection (plan C) with their refrigeration cycle have been simulated by using the Aspen HYSYS to prepare the energy consumption analysis. In addition, economic benefits of four calorific value adjustment systems are analyzed based on energy measurement. The results show that the after-tax net income of the receiving terminal which adds liquid nitrogen to adjust calorific value is 36.83% higher than which extracts C+2 components in the volume measurement system. Under the system of energy measurement, the income of C+2 recovery and plan A, B and C is increased by 8.67%,12.15%,12.16% and 7.09% respectively compared to the original measurement mode, and the liquid nitrogen injection (plan C) has the highest after-tax net income. Therefore, considered in terms of product’s sales and the operation and capital costs under the current situation of heat value adjustment technology, the liquid nitrogen injection process which inject liquid nitrogen in the exit of high pressure external transport pump is feasible, effective, and economical.
Key words:  C+2 extraction  nitrogen injection  calorific value adjustment  LNG receiving terminal  energy measurement  economic analysis