引用本文:刘鑫鹏,韩力,马金晶,郭开华. LNG水下泄漏引起快速相变的数值模拟与结果分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2016, 45(6): 99-104.
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为了定量预测快速相变的爆炸强度,建立了一种欧拉-欧拉双流体多相流模型与传热模型相互耦合的数值模型,通过对比Clarke H的快速相变实验数据验证了模型的可靠性和正确性。通过数值计算,得出快速相变在水上水下的动态过程、局部超压情况以及甲烷质量分数在水平方向及竖直方向的分布。结果 表明,快速相变本质上是LNG与水之间强制对流、膜态沸腾、爆发沸腾和核态沸腾的快速转换过程;快速相变持续时间极短约1秒;在典型的LNG泄漏情形下,局部超压最大可达97 kPa,可造成砖墙倒塌,严重损伤人的内脏甚至引起死亡;快速相变不仅有超压危害,在下游或下风向区域还可能进一步引起火灾和窒息等潜在危害。研究结果可为LNG水上运输安全防护提供理论依据。 
关键词:  液化天然气  泄漏  快速相变  数值模拟  超压  结果分析 
基金项目:广东省教育厅液化天然气与低温技术重点实验室资助项目(39000-3211101);中山大学-BP 液化天然气中心资助项目(99103-9390001) 。
Numerical simulation of rapid phase transition caused by LNG spills into water and results interpretation
Liu Xinpeng, Han Li, Ma Jinjing, Guo Kaihua
(Engineering School, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510006, China)
In order to quantitatively predict the Rapid Phase Transition (RPT), a two-fluid Euler-Euler multiphase numerical model was established to simulate RPT. A typical Rapid Phase transitions experiment conducted by Clarke H. was modeled and the simulation results greatly matched the experiment results, thus the model was proven to be accurate. By simulating RPT in the open space with the model, the RPT’s dynamic process underwater was reached, as well as local overpressure and the distribution of methane concentration horizontally and vertically. The results showed that RPT is essentially the rapid transformation of forced convection, film boiling, explosive boiling and nucleate boiling between LNG and water. Besides, the duration of RPT was extremely short and last for about a second. The local overpressure can be up to 97 kPa in typical cases, which will cause brick wall collapse, visceral injury and even lead to death. RPT will not only cause overpressure hazards but may also cause fire and asphyxia hazards downwind and downstream. Overall, this study could serve as theoretical foundation for safety protection in waterway transportation of LNG.
Key words:  liquefied natural gas  leakage  rapid phase transition  numerical simulation  overpressure  results analysis