引用本文:陈赓良. 天然气能量计量的溯源性与不确定度评定[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2017, 46(1): 83-90.
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扼要介绍了天然气能量计量涉及的3种不同类型计量方式。由于它们的量传与溯源方式有明显区别,故其测定结果的不确定度评定方法及其适用标准也各不相同。并指出我国目前已经在能量计量技术开发方面取得了长足的进步,但在溯源性架构、获得及应用方面仍与国外先进水平存在相当大的差距。鉴此,对今后的研发工作提出以下建议:①尽快制定并发布天然气分析溯源准则国家标准;②加快相对扩展不确定度(U)优于0.3%(k=2)0级热量计的建设;③作好蒙特卡洛模拟法评定天然气管网能量计量系统不确定度的技术准备。 
关键词:  天然气  能量计量  溯源性  天然气组成分析  0级热量计  蒙特卡洛模拟 
Traceability of energy determination for natural gas and estimation of measuring uncertainty
Chen Gengliang
National Standardization Technical Committee Secretariat, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Three different kinds of natural gas measurement involved in energy determination are discussed. Because of the way for mass transmitting and tracing is distinguish, methods estimating uncertainty of measuring results are also very different. Recently technological developments in energy determination area have already gained quite great progress in our country, but there is still a considerable gap with advanced world level in architecture, obtaining and usage of traceability. In view of this, following research and development works must be completed as soon as in future:① Publishing national standard of traceability guideline for natural gas analysis; ② building 0 class calorimeter with relative expended uncertainty(U) better than 0.3%(k=2); ③ getting ready for MCM simulation method for evaluating the uncertainty of the energy measurement system of natural gas pipeline network.
Key words:  natural gas  energy determination  traceability  composition analysis of natural gas  0 class calorimeter  MCM simulation