引用本文:王珊珊. Aspen Flare System Analyzer在火炬管网设计与分析中的具体应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2017, 46(1): 111-114.
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Aspen Flare System Analyzer在火炬管网设计与分析中的具体应用
火炬气的排放系统设计是一个非常复杂的过程,涉及到各泄放点的背压与管路马赫数的计算。介绍了Aspen Flare System Analyzer模拟软件的特点及应用方法,该软件遵循API的规范要求,通过计算火炬管网中各管段始末点的压力、温度、流速等参数,可有效发现设计中的不合理管径并进行修改。以中东某油田地面工程项目为例,阐述了在工程实际中如何通过该软件进行火炬管网核算。高压火炬管网的核算结果显示,部分安全阀尾管背压和马赫数过大,经软件修改后的尺寸在实际运行中可满足火炬气的排放要求,保证了系统安全。表明了该软件在安全阀的选型和火炬管网的设计工作中的应用价值。 
关键词:  Aspen  Flare System Analyzer  火炬管网  泄放系统  马赫数 
Application of Aspen Flare System Analyzer in the design and analysis of flare-net
Wang Shanshan
China Petroleum Engineering Co., Ltd, Beijing Company, Beijing, China
Design of flare gas relieving system is a very complicated process, involving the calculation of each pipe back pressure and Mach number. This paper introduced the characteristics and application of Aspen Flare System Analyzer simulation software. Following the API specification requirements, the software can calculate the parameters such as pressure, temperature and flow rate at the beginning and the end of each pipe sections in flare system, so as to facilitate the identification and modification of the unreasonable design of the pipe diameters. In this paper, how to apply this software to review the flare system in an engineering project was demonstrated by taking an oil field surface facilities development project in the Middle East as an example. Calculation results of high pressure flare system showed that the back pressure and Mach number of some pressure safety valves’ tailpipe were too high. With the modification advised by software, the pipe sizes can satisfy the relieving gas requirements in operation, which ensures security of the system. Result indicates the value of this software in pressure safety valve selection and flare-net design.
Key words:  Aspen  Flare System Analyzer  flare-net  relieving system  Mach number