引用本文:曹文全,韩晓兰,王贵清,王国庆,宋伟. 常规单塔汽提工艺在火炬装置中的应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2017, 46(2): 12-16.
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介绍了常规单塔汽提工艺在元坝净化厂火炬装置中的运行情况,考察了火炬装置水封罐的酸性水经单塔汽提处理后净化水质的各项指标,对运行过程中出现的问题进行了具体分析并提出对策。该工艺在元坝净化厂火炬装置两年的运行结果表明,净化水的各项指标均达到设计要求,保证了火炬装置水封罐的酸性水可循环使用,减少了酸性水排至污水处理厂的量,有利于环境保护。该工艺在元坝净化厂火炬装置的成功应用,可为同类高含硫天然气净化厂火炬装置的改造提供借鉴。 
关键词:  单塔汽提  火炬  净化水  改造 
Application of conventional single tower stripping process in torch device
Cao Wenquan, Han Xiaolan, Wang Guiqing, Wang Guoqing, Song Wei
Yuanba Gas Purification Plant, Southwest Oil and Gas Company, Sinopec, Guangyuan, Sichuan, China
The operation of the conventional single tower stripping process in the torch device of Yuanba Purification Plant was introduced. After the acid water of torch device was stripped by single tower, the purified water indicators were studied and problems analysis and countermeasures in the course of operation were made. The operation results of the process in the Yuanba Purification Plant for two years showed that all the indexes of the purified water reached the design requirements. The acid water of water sealed tank could be recycled in the torch device, the acid water capacity to the sewage treatment plant and the environmental pressure was reduced. The successful application of the technology in the Yuanba Purification Plant could provide reference for the transformation of the torch device in similar high sulfur natural gas purification plant.
Key words:  single tower stripping  torch  purified water  transformation