引用本文:张宝和. 浮式LNG接收站3×104 m3全容储罐冷却技术研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2017, 46(2): 44-47.
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浮式LNG接收站3×104 m3全容储罐冷却技术研究
储罐冷却是LNG储罐调试工作中最关键和最危险的环节之一。针对国内首个浮式LNG接收站3×104 m3LNG储罐冷却过程,进行了冷却方案比选,提出了预冷用LNG量的计算方法,介绍了冷却条件及冷却过程。针对冷却过程中出现的常规问题及非常规问题进行了分析并给出相应的解决方案。研究成果对其他浮式或常规LNG接收站中LNG储罐的冷却具有参考意义。 
关键词:  浮式LNG接收站  LNG储罐  计算方法  冷却 
Research of cooling technology for 30 000 m3 LNG tank of floating LNG terminal
Zhang Baohe
Offshore Oil Engineering Co., Ltd., Tianjin, China
The cooling down is one of the most important and dangerous work in LNG tank commissioning. In view of the cooling down process of the first 30 000 m3 LNG storage tank of floating LNG terminal in China, the cooling schemes are compared and the calculation method of LNG for pre-cooling is put forward. Conditions and process of the cooling down are introduced respectively in this paper. Focusing on the conventional and non-conventional problems in cooling down, the corresponding solutions are given. The results of this research have reference value for the cooling down of LNG storage tanks in other floating or conventional LNG terminals.
Key words:  floating LNG terminal  LNG storage tank  calculation method  cooling down