引用本文:赵卫东,黄健泉,倪康,张潇尹,赖志豪. 气-液两相放电加氢精制生物油的试验研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2017, 46(3): 1-6.
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采用H2与生物油构建气-液两相放电低温等离子体体系,以实现常压、低温、无催化剂条件下生物油的加氢精制。通过自行设计气-液两相低温等离子体放电装置,系统地研究了工作电压、气体流量、反应时间等因素对生物油加氢脱氧和理化特性的影响规律。研究结果表明,随着工作电压和气体流量的增大,气-液两相放电加氢精制生物油的脱氧率及高位发热量均呈现先增加后减少的趋势;随着反应时间的延长,二者则呈现先增加后稳定的趋势。与催化裂解、快速热解制取的生物油相比,气-液两相放电加氢精制的生物油中醇类、酚类、酮类物质的含量相对较低,而碳氢类物质显著增多,精制生物油品质得到提升,证实了气-液两相放电加氢精制生物油技术方案的可行性。 
关键词:  生物油  低温等离子体  气-液两相  加氢脱氧  精制 
Experimental study of gas-liquid two-phase discharge hydrofining bio-oil
Zhao Weidong, Huang Jianquan, Ni Kang, Zhang Xiaoyin, Lai Zhihao
School of Automotive and Traffic Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, China
In order to upgrade bio-oil through hydrofining under the operating conditions of atmospheric pressure, low temperature and catalyst-free, the technology of non-thermal plasma discharge unit for gas-liquid two-phase were applied. The influence law of operating voltage, gas flow rate, reaction time and other factors on the hydrodeoxygenation and physicochemical properties of bio-oil were investigated systematically by the self-designed non-thermal plasma discharge device for gas-liquid two-phase. The results showed that with the increase of operating voltage and gas flow rate, the deoxygenation rate and the high calorific value of gas-liquid two-phase discharge hydrofining biological oil first increased and then decreased. With the extension of reaction time, they first increased and then stabilized. Compared with the catalytic pyrolysis and fast pyrolysis bio-oil, the content of alcohols, phenols and ketones in gas-liquid two phase discharge hydrogenation of refined bio-oil were relatively low, and hydrocarbons increased significantly. Refined bio-oil quality was also improved, which confirmed that the feasibility of gas-liquid two phase discharge hydrofining biological oil technical scheme.
Key words:  bio-oil  non-thermal plasma  gas-liquid two-phase  hydrodeoxygenation  refining