引用本文:唐坤利,冯业庆,唐彬,全红平,李卓柯. 乙二醇回收工艺中影响除盐剂除盐效率的试验研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2017, 46(3): 42-45.
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乙二醇作为天然气水合物抑制剂在国内外气田尤其是深海气田中得到广泛应用。针对目前常用的闪蒸法脱盐工艺存在能耗较高的缺点,提出了一种使用除盐剂对回收乙二醇进行除盐的方法。利用氯化钠在溶剂中的溶解度与溶剂极性相关的原理,筛选出了一种低成本、高除盐能力、可循环利用的除盐剂DA-A。探究了体系温度、pH值、水含量、除盐剂加量及加入方式对除盐能力的影响,并对除盐剂DA-A的回收情况进行了实验研究。 
关键词:  乙二醇  脱盐  溶解度  极性  节能环保 
Study of influencing factors of desalting agent ability for ethylene glycol recovery processes
Tang Kunli1, Feng Yeqing1, Tang Bin1, Quan Hongping2,3, Li Zhuoke2,3
1. Zhundong Oil Production Plant of PetroChina Xinjiang Oilfield Company, Fukang, Xingjiang, China ;2. School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China ;3. Oil & Gas Field Applied Chemistry Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Ethylene glycol has been widely used in domestic and foreign natural gas fields as gas hydrate inhibitors. Aiming at the shortcoming of high energy consumption for currently common flash desalting process, a method of using desalting agent to remove sodium chloride in the ethylene glycol is proposed in this article. Low cost, efficient and recyclable desalting agent DA-A is filtrated by the theory that the solubility of sodium chloride is related to the polarity of the solvent. The experiment studies how temperature, pH value and the water content of the ethylene glycol system, as well as the dosage and the adding method effect the desalting ability of DA-A, and the recovery capacity of the DA-A is tested.
Key words:  ethylene glycol  desalination  solubility  polarity  energy conservation