引用本文:洪伟,祝秀,刘海彬. 全逆流无返混喷射塔板技术在C4萃取中的应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2017, 46(3): 51-60.
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由于石油炼制和石化生产过程中产生的副产物C4烃类的产量逐年增加,据推算,国内炼厂C4总量每年超过600×104 t,因此,研究C4组分的分离及深加工利用开发对国内乙烯工业及相关工业的发展具有重要的战略意义和现实作用。目前,在C4分离及深加工的萃取精馏中存在塔板阻力降大、处理能力达不到满负荷、分离指标不合格、能耗高等问题。介绍了浙江宁波昊德化学工业股份有限公司C4萃取及汽提塔改造前的情况及存在的问题。对此,将原DJ浮阀塔板全部更换为全逆流塔板,改造后装置负荷由约80%提高到130%,蒸汽消耗节省35%,各项指标均良好,未出现拦液等现象,装置目前运行平稳。 
关键词:  全逆流塔板  C4萃取  发泡物系  扩产改造  蒸汽消耗  节能 
Application of complete countercurrent tray in C4 extraction
Hong Wei, Zhu Xiu, Liu Haibin
Tianjin Chuangju Technology Co., Ltd., Tianjin, China
As a by-product of oil refining and petrochemical production process, C4 hydrocarbon productions increase year by year. It is estimated that the total annual C4 hydrocarbon productions of refineries in China are more than 6 million tons, therefore the research of C4 component separation and utilization of deep processing has important strategic significance and practical effect on the development of China's ethylene industry and related industries. At present, there are some difficulties on the extractive distillation of C4 hydrocarbon separation and deep processing such as tray pressure drop larger, processing capacity not up to the full load, separation index of unqualified, high energy consumption. In this paper, the problems of C4 hydrocarbon extraction towers and stripping towers before the renovation in Ningbo Haode Chemical Corporation are introduced. In view of the existing problems, the original DJ valve trays are replaced by the complete countercurrent trays. After the reconstruction, the processing capacity increases from about 80% loading to 130% loading, the steam consumption is saved by 35%, all indicators of productions are better, the phenomenon of liquid blocking device don’t appear, and all devices are running smoothly.
Key words:  complete countercurrent tray  C4 extraction  foaming system  production expansion and reformation  steam consumption  energy saving