引用本文:赵军友,刘崇宁,贺庆强,李天长,赵路豪,毕晓东,等. 喷射引流法天然气脱硫技术研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2017, 46(4): 1-5.
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天然气中的含硫酸性物质会引起管道腐蚀、环境污染、催化剂中毒等问题,对天然气进行脱硫不仅能避免上述问题,还可以增大天然气管道内的传输体积。研究了一种喷射引流器装置对天然气进行脱硫的技术,脱硫过程中选取碳酸钠溶液作为脱硫剂。介绍了喷射引流器的原理,对喷射引流器的结构设计进行过程推导和计算,然后通过实验验证了所设计喷射引流器的引射比,并计算了天然气的脱硫率。实验结果表明,喷射引流器结构设计合理,同时表明该技术可有效地对天然气进行脱硫处理。 
关键词:  天然气脱硫  喷射引流器  引射比  脱硫率 
Study on natural gas desulfurization technology by injection and drainage method
Zhao Junyou, Liu Chongning, He Qingqiang, Li Tianchang, Zhao Luhao, Bi Xiaodong, Tian Yamin
China University of Petroleum (Hua Dong), Qingdao, Shandong, China
Sour gas containing hydrogen sulfide will cause the pipeline corrosion, environmental pollution, catalyst poisoning and other problems. Desulfurization of natural gas can not only avoid the above problems, but also increase the transmission volume of natural gas pipeline. A kind of injection drainage device for natural gas desulfurization was studied, and the sodium carbonate solution was chosen as the desulfurization agent in the process of desulfurization. The principle of injection drainage device was introduced. The process of structure design for spray drainage device was derived and calculated. Then the injection ratio was proved through experiment, and the rate of natural gas desulfurization was calculated. The experimental results showed that the structure of the spray drainage device was reasonable, and the technology could be applied to natural gas desulfurization effectively.
Key words:  natural gas desulfurization  spray drainage device  injection ratio  desulfurization rate