引用本文:翁军利,夏勇,黄昌猛,陈星,宋丽丽,张志锋,等. 靖边气田三甘醇脱水溶液净化方法研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2017, 46(4): 16-21.
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靖边气田脱水用三甘醇溶液在长期使用过程中,由于地层水携带杂质、管线腐蚀产物、溶液降解产物等杂质不断累积,造成溶液品质下降,影响溶液的吸收和再生性能。针对三甘醇的污染情况,采用气相色谱仪等仪器分别对靖边气田三甘醇溶液的有效成分及杂质种类和含量进行了定性及定量检测,开展了单一净化方法的实验及工艺条件优化,并根据净化结果,研究了不同组合净化工艺,优选了石英砂过滤+活性炭脱色+离子交换组合工艺作为靖边气田三甘醇溶液净化工艺。采用优选的组合净化工艺处理现场废弃的三甘醇,净化后溶液中固体悬浮物、盐离子含量显著降低。将净化后的三甘醇用于集气站现场脱水,结果表明,净化后的溶液具有良好的脱水效果,能够满足生产需求。 
关键词:  靖边气田  三甘醇溶液  净化工艺  效果评价 
Study on the purification method of triethylene glycol solution for dehydration in Jingbian Gasfield
Weng Junli, Xia Yong, Huang Changmeng, Chen Xing, Song Lili, Zhang Zhifeng, Xue Renyu
The first Natural Gas Plant, PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Company
During the long-term use process of triethylene glycol in Jingbian Gasfield, solution quality has been declined because of the accumulation of formation water impurities, pipeline corrosion products and solution degradation products, which affected the absorption and regeneration performance of triethylene glycol solution. The effective components of triethylene glycol solution, the type and content of the impurities in the solution were detected qualitatively and quantitatively. Experiments and process conditions optimization aiming at single solution purification method were carried out. According to the result of purification, different purification processes were combined. The combination process of quartz sand filtration + actived carbon decoloration + ion exchange resin was selected to purify the triethylene glycol solution of Jingbian Gasfield. The concentration of suspended solids and salt ions reduced significantly by optimized combination purification process. Meanwhile, purified triethylene glycol was used in dehydration of gas gathering station. It turned out that purified solution had good dehydration effect, which could meet the production requirements.
Key words:  Jingbian Gasfield  triethylene glycol solution  purification process  effect evaluation