引用本文:刘继东,刘爽,吕建华,李扬,陈甲成. 从含酚馏分油中萃取酚的溶剂选择及萃取条件研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2017, 46(4): 30-34.
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目前,对于含酚油中的酚类提取,存在脱酚率低、酸碱用量大,环境污染等问题,针对现有技术的不足,选取合适萃取剂,利用溶剂萃取法提取含酚油中的酚类化合物,以达到绿色化工环保技术的要求。通过筛选有机溶剂,确定以乙醇胺为萃取剂提取含酚馏分油中的酚类化合物。精馏切取含酚油中170~210 ℃富酚馏分作为萃取原料,进行萃取实验,在充分振荡、充分静置的前提下,得到适宜的萃取条件:萃取温度为室温25 ℃,萃取剂与原料油质量比为0.4,在此条件下,其单级萃取率可达95%以上。 
关键词:  含酚油  酚类化合物  溶剂萃取  萃取率 
Study on solvent selection and extraction conditions of extracting phenolic compounds from distillate oil containing phenol
Liu Jidong, Liu Shuang, Lyu Jianhua, Li Yang, Chen Jiacheng
Department of Chemical Engineering, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin, China
At present, for the extraction of phenols in phenolic oil, there are a series of problems such as low phenol removal rate, large amount of acid and alkali, environmental pollution and so on. In order to meet the environmental protection technology requirements of green chemical industry, the appropriate extraction agent was selected and the phenolic compound in the phenolic oil was extracted by solvent extraction. After screening different kinds of organic solvent, MEA was determined as the most suitable solvent for recovering phenolic compounds from distillate oil. Taking 170 ℃ to 210 ℃ of distillate oil containing phenolic compounds as extraction material, and by the premise of fully oscillation and adequate standing time, the optimum extracting conditions were as follows:the extraction temperature was 25 ℃, the mass ratio of solvent to oil was 0.4. Under these conditions, the extraction rate of phenolic compounds was more than 95%.
Key words:  phenol oil  phenolic compounds  solvent extraction  extraction rate