引用本文:陈国兴,郭开华,皇甫立霞. 液态CO2原位置换整形天然气水合物的形态研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2017, 46(4): 41-46.
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CO2置换法在开采天然气(CH4)水合物资源的同时,能将温室气体(CO2)以稳定的水合物形式永久封存并保持海底地质结构的稳定。探究液态CO2原位置换整形天然气水合物的过程形态,验证水合物的形态结构是否会破坏,对实际开采技术的研发具有关键意义。利用自行设计的可视化反应釜对液态CO2置换整形天然气水合物进行实验观测研究。结果 表明:①在置换过程中,原位CH4水合物分解的同时生成CO2水合物,并保持过程中水合物的整形结构稳定的第二类原位置换过程是可以实现的;②在实际工程应用中,采用液态CO2在相应的相平衡压力条件下,对大规模的天然气水合物藏进行第二类原位置换,可望获得较高的水合物藏置换开采效率。实验结果为进一步研究液态CO2置换天然气水合物开采工艺提供了直观的过程现象。 
关键词:  CO2  天然气  整形水合物  原位置换  生成形态 
Morphology on in-situ replacement of bulk methane hydrates with liquid carbon dioxide
Chen Guoxing, Guo Kaihua, Huangpu Lixia
School of Engineering, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
Natural gas hydrate, existing wildly below the ocean floor and in permafrost zones, is expected to be future energy source. Replacement of CH4 in natural gas hydrate by CO2, CH4-CO2 replacement, has been considered as a promising way for simultaneous CH4 production and CO2 sequestration. Exploring the morphology of CO2 in-situ replacing CH4 in bulk hydrates to test whether the morphology structure of bulk hydrates would be destroyed has a significant meaning in the development of exploitation technology. In this study, morphological changes of liquid CO2 in-situ replacing bulk CH4 hydrates in a self-designed horizontal cylinder are recorded by CCD camera. The results show that the dissociation of CH4 hydrates and the formation of CO2 hydrates occur in the hydrate phase simultaneously without destroying the morphology structure of bulk hydrates. Using liquid CO2 to in-situ replacement for large-scale natural gas reservoirs under corresponding pressure,a higher efficiency of exploitation can be achieved. This result can provide intuitive phenomena for the study of replacement techniques.
Key words:  carbon dioxide  natural gas  bulk hydrates  in-situ replacement  morphology