引用本文:李轶超,姚先荣,王长权,代宸宇,杨琳琳. X油藏注气混相驱可行性实验研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2017, 46(4): 63-66.
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针对X底水油藏油井注水后综合含水上升过快的问题,利用HB70/300型高压物性分析仪开展了该区块原油相态特征实验、注气相态特征实验,并运用细管法开展了注CO2最小混相压力实验。对比分析了CO2和N2两种性质气体注入前后原油的相态特征变化,确定了该区块原油注CO2最小混相压力,为X油藏注气提高采收率可行性提出依据。实验结果表明,X油藏原始地层压力为46.01 MPa,原油饱和压力为11.06 MPa,注N2后饱和压力上升迅速,在原始地层条件下难以实现混相,表现出典型的非混相特征;注CO2后饱和压力上升较平缓,细管法测得的最小混相压力为28.03 MPa,说明利用CO2可实现CO2的混相驱替,而且最终的驱替效果比较理想。说明该油藏可开展注CO2混相驱,为进一步的开发方案调整提供了依据和合理的建议。 
关键词:  N2  CO2  饱和压力  混相驱替 
Feasibility experimental research on miscible flooding of X reservoir by gas injection
Li Yichao1, Yao Xianrong2, Wang Changquan3, Dai Chenyu1, Yang Linlin1
1. Chinese University of Petroleum, Beijing, China;2. CNPC Chuanqing Drilling and Exploration Engineering Company Ltd, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;3. Yangtze University, Jingzhou, Hubei,China
In order to solve the problem that the comprehensive water cut is rising too fast after water injection in X reservoir, the research has been carried out in this paper. Experiments on phase behavior of crude oil and phase behavior experiments of gas injection have been carried out by using HB70/300 high pressure physical properties analyzer. The minimum miscibility pressure of CO2 injection has been carried out by using thin tube method. The phase behavior of crude oil has been analyzed before and after N2 or CO2 injection. In this paper, the minimum miscible pressure of crude oil for CO2 injection is determined, which provides basis for EOR of X reservoir. These experiments showed that the original pressure of X reservoir is 46.01 MPa, the saturation pressure of crude oil is 11.06 MPa,which can hardly get miscible flooding by N2 injection because the saturation pressure will rise quickly. The saturation pressure will rise gently for CO2. The minimum miscibility pressure measured by the thin tube method is 28.03 MPa, indicating that miscible flooding by CO2 injection can be achieved. And the ultimate displacement effect is ideal. The reservoir can be injected with CO2 miscible flooding, which provide a basis and reasonable suggestions for adjusting development plan.
Key words:  nitrogen  carbon dioxide  saturation pressure  miscible flooding