引用本文:唐建峰,张伟明,张国君,褚洁,杨超江,李晶. MDEA为主体的复配胺液选择性脱硫性能实验研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2017, 46(5): 9-15.
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1.中国石油大学(华东)储运与建筑工程学院 ;2.中国石油大学(华东)山东省油气储运安全省级重点实验室 ;3.中海石油气电集团技术研发中心
在总浓度为2 mol/L的条件下,运用小型反应釜,采用恒压吸收法和恒容吸收法,对以MDEA为主体、DGA与AMP为添加剂的复配胺液进行不同物质的量比下选择性吸收H2S性能的实验研究。通过分析气相浓度、吸收速率、酸气脱除率及选择性因子,优选出不同复配胺液在此浓度下选择性脱硫的最优配比。实验结果表明:2 mol/L MDEA+DGA复配胺液在物质的量比为10∶3时,对原料气中H2S的吸收速率、脱除率均较高,对CO2的吸收速率、脱除率均较低,选择性因子最大,为该复配胺液的最优配比;2 mol/L MDEA+AMP复配胺液在物质的量比为10∶3时,对原料气中H2S的吸收速率、脱除率均较高,对CO2的吸收速率、脱除率均较低,选择性因子最大,为该复配胺液的最优配比。
关键词:  甲基二乙醇胺  2-氨基-2-甲基-1-丙醇  二甘醇胺  选择性  脱硫 
An experimental study on active MDEA mixed amine solutions for natural gas selective desulfurization
Tang Jianfeng1,2, Zhang Weiming1, Zhang Guojun1, Chu Jie3, Yang Chaojiang1, Li Jing1
1. College of Pipeline and Civil Engineering, China University of Petroleum(East China), Qingdao, Shandong, China;2. Oil and Gas Storage and Transportation Security Provincial Laboratory in Shandong Province, China University of Petroleum(East China), Qingdao, Shandong, China;3. CNOOC Gas & Power Group Research & Development Center, Beijing, China
Small reaction kettles were applied for absorption of H2S from natural gas using mixed amine solutions composed of the active MDEA and additive DGA and AMP in different proportion using constant pressure absorption method and constant volume absorption method when the total concentration was 2 mol/L. Through analyzing the gas molar concentration, absorption rate, acid gas removal rate and selectivity factor, the mixed amine solution with optimal proportion for selective desulfurization was obtained. The results showed that 2 mol/L MDEA+DGA mixed amine solution had maximum selectivity factor with the optimal molar proportion of 10∶3, which had a higher absorption and removal rate for removing H2S from natural gas and had a lower absorption and removal rate for removing CO2 from natural gas. 2 mol/L MDEA+AMP mixed amine solution had maximum selectivity factor with the optimal molar proportion of 10∶3, which had a higher absorption and removal rate for removing H2S from natural gas and had a lower absorption and removal rate for removing CO2 from natural gas.
Key words:  MDEA  AMP  DGA  selectivity  desulfurization