引用本文:王晓强,杨有文,张宏锋,赵永山,李良. 延迟焦化装置小比例掺炼催化油浆的工业应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2017, 46(5): 20-24.
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延迟焦化装置小比例掺炼催化澄清油,可以解决油浆出路问题。独山子石化1.2 Mt/a延迟焦化装置实验结果表明:①小比例掺炼催化油浆澄清油对焦化装置的换热影响较小;②蜡油收率、焦炭收率略上升,干气及各液体收率略下降;③未对焦炭质量和工艺操作造成影响;④掺炼后未造成加热炉炉管结焦趋势增加,也没有造成设备损坏;⑤掺炼催化油浆后,每年经济效益达到1 328万元,表明小比例掺炼催化油浆具有可行性。 
关键词:  延迟焦化  催化油浆  澄清油  炉管结焦  小比例 
Industrial application of delayed coking unit blending the catalytic oil slurry with small proportion
Wang Xiaoqiang, Yang Youwen, Zhang Hongfeng, Zhao Yongshan, Li Liang
PetroChina Dushanzi Petrochemical Company, Dushanzi, Xinjiang, China
Catalytic clarification oil can be blended in the delayed coking device with small proportion to solve the problem of oil slurry outlet. The experimental results of Dushanzi petrochemical 1.2 Mt/a delayed coking device showed that:①it had minor effect of small proportion of blending catalytic oil slurry on heat exchange of the coking unit; ②the yield of wax oil and coke slightly increased, dry gas and the liquid yield slightly decreased; ③it had no effect on coke quality and process operation; ④the coking trend of heating furnace tube didn’t increase after blending, and it also didn’t cause the damage of equipment; ⑤the economic benefit reached 1 328×104 RMB yuan per year after blending catalytic oil slurry, which showed it was feasible for blending catalytic oil slurry with small proportion.
Key words:  delayed coking  catalytic slurry oil  clarified oil  furnace tube coking  small proportion