引用本文:陈楠,王治红,刘友权,蒋泽银. 温度压力下起泡剂的起泡性和泡沫稳定性研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2017, 46(5): 65-68.
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介绍了一种模拟评价起泡剂在温度压力下的起泡性和泡沫稳定性的装置,并利用该装置评价了压力、温度、井深段对起泡性和泡沫稳定性的影响规律。室内评价结果表明:在温度压力条件下,压力对起泡剂的起泡性无明显影响,对泡沫稳定性的影响较大,随着压力的升高而更加稳定;温度对起泡剂的起泡性影响有限,对起泡剂的泡沫稳定性在135 ℃以下影响较小,在135 ℃以上影响较大,表现为泡沫稳定性随温度升高而降低;井深段对起泡剂的起泡性无明显影响,对于泡沫稳定性略有影响。应用室内评价结果,在T-19井开展了现场试验,获得成功,产气量和产水量增加,油套压差大幅降低,证实了室内评价方法和数据可靠性,可指导现场泡沫排水作业。 
关键词:  起泡剂  泡沫排水  起泡性  泡沫稳定性  高温  低压 
Research on foaming ability and foam stability of foaming agent at the temperature and pressure
Chen Nan1,2, Wang Zhihong1, Liu Youquan2, Jiang Zeyin2
1. Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;2. Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
This paper introduces a simulation evaluation device about foaming ability and foam stability of foaming agent at the temperature and pressure, and evaluates the influence laws of pressure, temperature and depth section on the foaming ability and foam stability. Indoor evaluation results showed that:the pressure had no significant effect on foaming ability but had great effect on foam stability at the condition of temperature and pressure, the foam was more stable with the increase of pressure; the effect of temperature on foaming ability was limited; the effect of temperature on foam stability was smaller under 135 ℃, and was larger above 135 ℃, it meant the foam stability was decreased with temperature; the well depth section pressure had no significant effect on foaming ability and had slight effect on foam stability. The indoor evaluation results were applied to conduct field test in T-19 well, the field test was successful, and gas production rate and water production rate were increased, oil pressure differential was greatly reduced. The field test confirmed the reliability of indoor evaluation method and data, and it could guide the field foam drainage operation.
Key words:  foaming agent  foam drainage  foaming ability  foam stability  high temperature  low pressure