引用本文:李雨威,黄志宇,杨玲玲,敬显武,鲁红升. CO2刺激响应型清洁压裂液的室内研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2017, 46(5): 74-77, 82.
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合成正辛酸酰胺丙基叔胺(DOAPTA)与阴离子表面活性剂油酸钠(NaOA)复配,得到一种能够对CO2刺激响应的清洁压裂液。当DOAPTA-NaOA以物质的量比为0.8∶1配制成总浓度为100 mmol/L的溶液,在CO2作用下,黏度上升最高达2.92 Pa·s。流变性测试表明:体系具有黏弹性流体行为;之后滴加NaOH溶液,体系即可转变至最初的低黏状态,实现彻底破胶。该体系增黏和破胶均容易进行,悬砂能力较强(1.64~1.8 cm/h),耐温性能好(60 ℃),有望用于油田压裂作业中。 
关键词:  清洁压裂液  蠕虫状胶束  CO2刺激响应  性能评价 
Laboratory study of the CO2-responsive clean fracturing fluid
Li Yuwei1,2, Huang Zhiyu1, Yang Lingling1, Jing Xianwu1, Lu Hongsheng1
1. College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering ,Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan,China;2. Cementing Company of Sinopec Xinan Oilfield Service Corporation, Deyang, Sichuan, China
N, N-dimethyl octylamide-propyl tertiaryamine (DOAPTA) was synthesized and then interacted with the anionic surfactant sodium oleate (NaOA), a CO2-responsive clean fracturing fluid system was obtained. When the mixed solution of DOAPTA-NaOA was prepared at the concentration of 100 mmol/L with the molar ratio of 0.8∶1, followed by the introduction of CO2, the apparent viscosity of solution reached up to the maximum (2.92 Pa·s). Rheological test indicated that the solution system behaved as a viscoelastic fluid, which confirmed the formation of wormlike micelle structure. Moreover, it switched back to the original low-viscosity state by subsequent adding 1% aqueous solution of NaOH, then led to the breakdown of fracturing fluid. The thickening and breaking glue of the system are easy to carry out, sand-carrying ability is strong (1.64-1.8 cm/h), and temperature performance is very good (60 ℃). It is expected to be used in oilfield fracturing operation.
Key words:  clean fracturing fluid  wormlike micelle  CO2-response  performance evaluation