引用本文:杨艳,罗强,范秦楚,徐少堃. 天然气净化厂循环水处理新技术研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2017, 46(5): 113-118.
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循环水处理技术是天然气净化厂循环水系统安全平稳运行的关键。通过现场试验、冷换设备现场运行情况、成本及安全环保方面,对比3种循环水处理技术在天然气净化厂的应用效果。试验表明,3个分厂的循环水水质均较稳定,无明显结垢或腐蚀趋势。在杀菌、抑制冷换设备结垢方面,渠县分厂栗田工业循环水处理技术最好,其次是长寿旁路电解水处理技术(ECT),引进分厂铜基触媒防垢器杀菌除垢效果不理想。在成本控制方面,以设备使用寿命周期内计,ECT投入总费用较栗田工业循环水处理技术投入的总费用低很多。在安全环保方面,渠县分厂栗田工业循环水处理技术使用的化学药剂都具有腐蚀性,对水生物毒性非常大,给进行加药、排污等操作的人员带来安全风险,增加工业废水的产生量,对环境造成污染。综合比较3种循环水处理技术,ECT是目前天然气净化厂综合性较优的循环水处理技术。 
关键词:  天然气净化  循环水处理技术  应用 
Research on circulating water treatment technology in natural gas purification plant
Yang Yan, Luo Qiang, Fan Qinchu, Xu Shaokun
Chongqing Natural Gas Purification Plant General, PetroChina Southwest Oil and Gasfield Company, Chongqing, China
Circulating water treatment is key technology for safe and smooth operation of natural gas purification plant circulating water system. The application effect of three kinds of water treatment technologies in natural gas purification plant were compared from field tests, the operation of cooling-heat transfer equipment, economic costs, safety and environmental protection. Experimental results showed that the water quality of circulating water from three branch factories are relatively stable, and the potential of scale or corrosion is not significant. From biofouling and scaling control in cooling-heat transfer equipment, industrial circulating water treatment technology provided by Kurita in Quxian branch factory was the best one, followed by electrolysis of water treatment technology (ECT) in Changshou branch factory, and copper-based catalyst was unsatisfied in Yinjin factory. In terms of cost control, the total cost of ECT is much lower than that of Kurita industrial circulating water treatment technology during service life of equipment. Considering safety and environmental protection, all chemicals used in Quxian branch Kurita industrial circulating water treatment technology are corrosive and toxic to aquatic organisms, posing security risks to the operating personnel adding chemicals or discharging sewage, increasing the yield of industrial wastewater and contaminating the environment. Comprehensive comparing the above three kinds of water treatment technologies, the lateral ECT is regarded as the optimal one in natural purification plant.
Key words:  natural gas purification  circulating water treatment technology  application