引用本文:赵德强,董海明. 催化汽油加氢脱硫装置国V改造开工总结[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2017, 46(6): 24-30.
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介绍了1.8×106 t/a催化汽油加氢脱硫装置使用Axens公司 Prime-G+工艺进行国V改造后的工艺流程和改造内容,分析了装置改造后开工运行初期满负荷工况和初步优化情况。对开工过程中存在的问题进行分析并提出解决措施。结果 表明,Prime-G+工艺成熟可靠,轻、重及混合精制汽油的各项指标均达到国V汽油指标要求,通过减缓一段、二段加氢脱硫单元的脱硫率等初步优化措施,可降低辛烷值损失,降低辛烷值损失的措施可进一步优化。 
关键词:  催化汽油  加氢脱硫装置  国V改造  开工总结 
Start-up summarization of FCC gasoline hydrodesulfurization unit transformation according to national standard of grade V gasoline
Zhao Deqiang, Dong Haiming
PetroChina Lanzhou Petrochemical Company, LanZhou, Gansu, China
This paper introduced the process flow and transformation items of 1.8 Mt/a FCC gasoline hydrodesulfurization unit which used Axens company Prime-G+ technology to transform according to the national standard of grade V gasoline. Initial operation under full capacity and preliminary optimization condition were analyzed. The problems existing in the start-up process were analyzed and solutions were put forward. The results showed that the Prime-G+ process was mature and reliable, and the indexes of light, heavy and blended refined gasoline were up to the requirements of the national standard of grade V gasoline. The octane number loss could be reduced by reducing the desulfurization rate of first stage and second stage HDS, and the measures could be further optimized.
Key words:  FCC gasoline  hydrodesulfurization unit  transformation according to national standard of grade V gasoline  start-up summarization