引用本文:罗勤,陈鹏飞,付伟,李本亮,陈效红,常宏岗. 中国页岩气技术标准体系建设进展[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2018, 47(1): 1-6.
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1.中国石油西南油气田公司天然气研究院 ;2.能源行业页岩气标准化技术委员会秘书处
能源行业页岩气标准化技术委员会是中国能源行业页岩气标准的归口管理技术组织,负责研究建立页岩气全产业链技术标准体系,开展页岩气通用及基础标准研制等相关标准化工作。在中国,页岩气是新兴产业,与页岩气产业相关的国家标准和行业标准刚处于起步阶段,更没有建立页岩气技术标准体系。为了页岩气产业健康、快速发展,国家对页岩气开发企业的监管有标准可依,助推页岩气开发中小企业取长补短,快速复制页岩气开发技术,需要制订页岩气全产业链的技术标准和技术标准体系。为此,介绍了中国页岩气标准技术现状,重点阐述了页岩气技术标准制订对促进页岩气技术进步的作用、意义,标准体系存在的不足,以及标准制订的下一步发展方向。依据能源局下达的页岩气技术标准体系表,目前国家能源局已经发布实施了29项页岩气国家和行业标准,能源行业页岩气标准化技术委员会已完成48项页岩气技术标准制订,并正在组织制订2项页岩气技术标准。这些标准的制订和发布实施将有力支撑中国页岩气产业的快速发展。 
关键词:  页岩气  技术标准  标准体系  现状  规划
Establishment and outlook of Chinese standard systems regarding shale gas
Luo Qin1,2, Chen Pengfei1,2, Fu Wei2, Li Benliang2, Chen Xiaohong2, Chang Honggang1
1. Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;2. Secretariat of China Shale Gas Standardization Technology Committee, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
China Standardization Committee of Shale Gas is a technology organization in shale gas standardization,which mainly engaged in the establishment of technical standard system and standardization work in the study of general and basic shale standards and so on. In this paper,the basis,objective,principle, professional division of established technical standard system, planning standards and the status of the development of shale gas technology standards are reported.According to the national energy administration shale gas technical standard system, the national energy administration has released 10 standards, China Standardization Committee of Shale Gas has completed 18 technical standards of shale gas, and is organizing the formulation of 17 shale gas technical standards. these standards were formulated and implemented will effectively support the rapid development of China's shale gas industry.
Key words:  shale gas  technical standard  standard system  present status  planning