引用本文:严启团,张世坚,蒋洪,韩中喜,王淑英. 三甘醇脱水装置汞分布及汞污染控制措施[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2018, 47(1): 13-19.
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天然气中的汞具有较强的毒性和腐蚀性,给工作人员和生产设备带来极大的安全隐患。研究含汞天然气处理装置中的汞分布规律,可为后续制定相应的汞防护措施提供依据。通过对某含汞天然气三甘醇脱水装置中的汞分布进行模拟分析,发现三甘醇对原料气中的汞吸收效果较弱,但闪蒸气和再生气中汞浓度较高。改变原料气中汞质量浓度、三甘醇贫液循环量、重沸器温度,得到不同条件下的三甘醇脱水装置汞分布规律。根据三甘醇脱水装置汞分布模拟分析结果,提出了湿气脱汞、含汞设备清洗及人员防护、流散汞处理等控制三甘醇脱水装置汞污染的方案,可为后续建设含汞天然气处理厂提供汞防护参考。 
关键词:  三甘醇脱水  汞分布  模拟分析  汞防护
Mercury distribution in the TEG dehydration unit and mercury pollution control measures
Yan Qituan1, Zhang Shijian2, Jiang Hong2, Han Zhongxi1, Wang Shuying1
1. Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development-Langfang Branch, PetroChina, Langfang, Hebei, China;2. School of Oil and Natural Gas Engineering of Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
As mercury in natural gas is always toxic and corrosive, it would bring security risks to staff and production equipment. According to the study of mercury distribution law in natural gas treatment unit, it can provide basis for the development of corresponding mercury prevention measures subsequently. The mercury distribution in the TEG dehydration unit was simulated and analyzed, and it was found that the mercury absorption effect of TEG on feed gas was weak, but the mercury concentration in flash gas and regenerated gas was higher. The mercury contribution in TEG dehydration unit under different conditions such as different mercury concentration of feed gas, different lean TEG circulation volume and different rebolier temperature was studied. According to the simulation and analysis results of mercury distribution in the TEG dehydration unit, some mercury pollution control measures were put forward such as moisture mercury removal, cleaning of mercury-containing equipment and staff protection, disperse mercury treatment, which could provide mercury prevention references for follow-up construction of mercury-containing natural gas treatment plants.
Key words:  TEG dehydration  mercury distribution  simulation and analysis  mercury prevention