引用本文:李强,吕鑫,梁守成,王大威,胡科. 海上油田聚表二元复合体系组成快速检测技术[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2018, 47(1): 89-93.
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传统淀粉-碘化镉质量浓度检测方法无法检测聚表二元复合驱油体系中表面活性剂的质量浓度,仅能检测聚合物质量浓度,在时效性、准确性方面也待进一步提高。本技术创新采用COD-定氮联作法,首先通过化学氧化方法将样品中还原性物质(聚合物、表面活性剂等)全部氧化,获得溶液的总COD值,再采用定氮法测定聚表二元复合体系中聚合物质量浓度。通过对二元复合体系采出液中各组分含量与COD值建立函数相关性,运用数学手段将各个因素及环境影响量化,扣除相应背景值,便可计算得出二元复合体系的组分质量浓度。该技术目前已在海上平台成功推广应用,首次实现了聚表二元复合驱油体系组分质量浓度在平台上直接检测,可有效地对注入端流体质量和采出端流体组分质量浓度进行把控,对指导海上油田二元复合驱动态跟踪调整和采出液处理具有重要意义。 
关键词:  二元复合体系  聚合物  表面活性剂  COD-定氮  现场应用
Fast detection technology of composition of polymer/surfactant compound flooding in offshore oilfield
Li Qiang1,2, Lyu Xin1,2, Liang Shoucheng1,2, Wang Dawei1,2, Hu Ke1,2
1. State Key Laboratory of Efficient Development of Offshore, Beijing, China ;2. CNOOC Research Institute, Beijing, China
The traditional method for detecting starch-cadmium iodide concentration can not detect the concentration of surfactant in the solution of two-element compound, concentration of polymer containing only, but the method can not meet the site requirements in the timeliness and accuracy. The technology innovatively uses COD-fixed nitrogen combined approach, first completely oxidizing reducing substances (polymer and surfactant, etc.) in sample to obtain total COD in the solution through the chemical oxidation method, then determining the concentration of polymer in the system of polymer/surfactant compound driven by the nitrogen-fixing method. Through mathematical means to quantify each equivalent and environmental influencing factors, and deducting the background value, the component content of polymer/surfactant two-element system can be calculated by establishing the function correlation between the produced liquid component content and COD value. The technology has successfully applied in offshore platform, realizing for the first time poly table binary combination flooding oil system group concentration measured directly on the platform and the injection end of fluid quality and produced fluid end group concentration can be effectively controlled. It is of great significance for the guidance of offshore oilfield binary combination flooding dynamic tracking adjustment and produced fluid treatment.
Key words:  polymer/surfactant compound system  polymer  surfactant  COD-fixed nitrogen  field application