引用本文:钟荣强,付秀勇,李亚军. 油田伴生气轻烃回收工艺的优化[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2018, 47(2): 46-51.
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1.中石化西北油田分公司石油工程技术研究院;2.中石化西北油田分公司基建处 ;3.华南理工大学化学与化工学院 传热强化与过程节能教育部重点实验室
基于某油田开采的油气进站压力高的特性,利用主流的膨胀深冷分离法,以降低工艺生产能耗、系统总经济效益最佳为目标,在保障产品质量和回收率的前提下,对该油气加工处理流程中的轻烃回收直接换热(DHX)工艺进行优化。结果 表明,与原DXH工艺相比,虽然优化工艺C+3回收率降低了3%,但运行成本降低58.7%,总经济效益增加了3 118 元/h,并且系统无CO2结冰风险,工艺运行安全可靠。研究结果可为油田轻烃回收工艺的设计和生产实践提供理论依据和参考价值。
关键词:  轻烃回收  膨胀制冷法  DHX工艺  优化  技术经济分析
Optimization of light hydrocarbon recovery process of associated gas in oil filed
Zhong Rongqiang1, Fu Xiuyong2, Li Yajun3
1. Research Institute of Petroleum Engineering,Sinopec Northwest Oilfield Branch, Urumqi, Xinjiang, China;2. Infrastructure Sector of Sinopec Northwest Oilfield Branch, Urumqi, Xinjiang, China;3. Key Laboratory of Heat Transfer Enhancement and Energy Conservation of the Ministry of Education, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
For the characters of one oil field that the inlet pressure of oil and gas is high, the turbo-expander process is used as optimization for direct heat exchange(DHX) process in the aspect of light hydrocarbon separation and recycling based on the principle of aiming to lower production energy cost and achieve economic benefits on the premise of ensuring product quality and recovery. The simulation results reveal that although the recovery of C+3 decreases from 97% to 94%, but the operation cost is cut down by 58.7%. Besides the overall economic benefits increases obviously compared with DHX process and there is no risk of CO2 freezing in the whole process which means that the new process is safe and reliable. The research results can provide technical reference for the design and actual operation of light hydrocarbon recovery process in oil fields.
Key words:  light hydrocarbon recovery  turbo-expander process  DHX process  optimization  tech-economic analysis