引用本文:孔祥丹. 高含硫净化系统低负荷运行节能控制技术[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2018, 47(2): 116-120.
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关键词:  高含硫净化  公用工程  节能  调峰  经济运行
Energy-saving control technology for low-load operation of high sulfur purification system
Kong Xiangdan
Zhongyuan Oilfield Puguang Natural Gas Purification Plant, Dazhou, Sichuan, China
Based on the statistical analysis of the historical operation data and the simulation results of the steady-state model, the analysis of the purification equipment and the public system was carried out to analyze the low-load operation conditions of the high-sulfur natural gas purification plant in this paper. In the process, the relationship between the energy consumption and the running load was clarified. Then, the advanced method of energy saving in the internal structure of the natural gas purification plant was put forward based on the optimization of the load distribution with the lowest unit cost. Further, the whole plant production self-use gas and the power consumption were studied with the change of the load. Energy-matching relationship of main devices with common system was determined. Meanwhile, the advanced practice of saving the common system was proposed, as well as the guiding opinions for the low-load energy-saving operation of the domestic high-sulfur natural gas purification plant.
Key words:  high sulfur purification  utility engineering  energy saving  peak shaving  economic operation