引用本文:王群威,封伟名,陈铁杉,林振兴,王谦,王豪. 原油基硫标准样品的研制[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2018, 47(3): 80-83.
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1. 宁波出入境检验检疫局;2. 金山出入境检验检疫局
根据密度、闭口闪点等物理参数选择梅瑞16原油作为天然基体,制备了一种硫质量分数为2.75%的标准样品。按GB/T 15000.3-2008、GB/T 17606-2009标准方法对标准样品的均匀性、长期稳定性、储运稳定性等状况进行了考察,并选择了15家实验室进行了硫含量的定值。结果 表明,梅瑞16原油标准样品具有良好的均匀性,长期稳定性超过18个月,可耐60 ℃的高温储运,且基体与待测样品匹配性好。
关键词:  原油基体  硫含量  标准样品
基金项目:国家质检总局科研计划项目“石化产品测试用设备及数据处理平台研制”(2016IK175) 
Development of sulfur reference sample of crude-matrix
Wang Qunwei1, Feng Weiming2, Chen Tieshan1, Lin Zhenxing1, Wang Qian1, Wang Hao1
1. Ningbo Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, Ningbo, Zhejiang, China ;2. Jinshan Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, Shanghai, China
According to the physical parameters such as density, closing flash point and so on, a reference sample with sulfur content of 2.75 wt% was prepared by selecting Merey 16 crude oil as natural matrix. The homogeneity, long-term stability, and storage and transportation stability of the reference samples are tested, and 15 laboratories are selected for determination of sulfur content. The results show that the crude-oil-matrix sulfur reference sample has good homogeneity, long-term stability over 18 months, and storage and transportation stability, which can withstand the temperature of 60 ℃. Its matrix also has good match with samples.
Key words:  crude oil matrix  sulfur content  reference sample