引用本文:周骏,由晓刚,孔令迎,贾通通,杨晓琪,宫磊. 萃取法处理含聚油泥及萃取剂回收研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2018, 47(3): 89-94.
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采用自主研发的萃取剂ZYHM对胜利油田含聚油泥进行处理。实验研究了剂泥质量比、萃取温度、搅拌速度、搅拌时间、萃取级数对除油率的影响以及萃取剂的回收效率,确定了最佳工艺条件,即在室温、剂泥质量比为3∶1、160 r/min的转速下搅拌30 min,除油率可达93.6%,底泥含油率可降至0.66%。萃取剂通过减压蒸馏回收,回收率可达97%,循环使用6次后的萃取剂除油率仍可达到90%。与传统萃取剂相比,萃取剂ZYHM具有成本降低30%、去除效率高、循环使用效果好的优势。 
关键词:  萃取剂  含聚油泥  除油率  回收  循环
Study on treatment of polymer-containing oily sludge by extraction method and extractant recycle
Zhou Jun1, You Xiaogang1, Kong Lingying2, Jia Tongtong1, Yang Xiaoqi1, Gong Lei1
1. School of Environmental and Safety Engineering, Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Qingdao, Shandong, China;2. Mesnac Heco Co., Ltd, Qingdao, Shandong, China
The polymer-containing oily sludge from Dongying Shengli oilfield was treated by the self-developed extractant ZYHM. The optimum technological conditions were determined by studying the effects of agent-mud ratio, extraction temperature, stirring speed, stirring time and extraction degree on the oil removal efficiency and recovery efficiency of extractant. At the conditions of room temperature, the ratio of extractant and sludge is 3∶1,0 min stirring time at 160 r/min rotational speed, the oil removal rate can reach 93.6%, and the oil concentration of sludge is decreased to 0.66%. The extractant ZYHM can be recovered by vacuum distillation, and the recovery rate is 97%. After 6 times of recycling, the oil removal rate of the extractant ZYHM can still reach 90%. Compared with the traditional extractant, the cost of extractant ZYHM is reduced by 30%,and it has higher removal efficiency and better recycling effect.
Key words:  extraction agent  polymer-containing oily sludge  oil removal rate  recovery  circulation