引用本文:吴明军,王泽强,冯仕君,胡源亮. 大型石油储罐主动防护系统氮气溢出分析与测试[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2018, 47(3): 108-114.
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针对大型石油储罐主动防护系统在主动保护过程中氮气从二次密封装置溢出的情况,建立了氮气扩散模型,进行了溢出源强、蔓延系数、溢出高度的分析计算和确定,采用Matlab软件对氮气溢出扩散进行了仿真模拟分析。通过分析进行了氮气溢出安全状态的评价,得出氮气在主动保护过程中溢出不存在致伤区域和致死区域,对人体几乎无影响的安全结论。同时,采用实体模型测试了在最不利扩散状态下的氮气溢出情况,结果表明氮气的泄漏强度远小于仿真分析时的泄漏强度,对泄漏源附近的人体安全不会造成影响。最后,通过现场实罐的测试,阐述了现场实际油罐上的气体溢出测试情况,评价了大型石油储罐主动防护系统的先进性、实用性和安全性。 
关键词:  石油储罐  主动防护  氮气溢出  安全
Analysis and test of nitrogen spillage in large oil tanks active protection system
Wu Mingjun1, Wang Zeqiang2, Feng Shijun2, Hu Yuanliang2
1. Oil & Gas Fire Protection Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, Chengdu, Sichuan, China ;2. Vitalong Fire Safety Group Co., Ltd., Chengdu, Sichuan, China
In light of the adverse effect of the nitrogen overflow from the secondary seal of the large oil storage tanks protection system during the active protection process, a nitrogen diffusion model is established, and the diffusion source strength, the diffusion coefficient and the diffusion height are analyzed and determined. The nitrogen spillover diffusion are simulated and analyzed by using Matlabd software, and the safety status of nitrogen spillover is evaluated. It can be concluded that there is no injury area and lethal area in the process of nitrogen in the active protection process, and there is almost no impact on human body. Meanwhile, a model was used to test the nitrogen spillover in the most unfavorable diffusion state. The results show that the leakage intensity of nitrogen is far less than that of simulation analysis, and the safety of human body near the leakage source will not be affected. Finally, through the test of the actual oil tank, the test of gas spillover on the actual oil thank is expounded, and the advancement, practicability and safety of the active protection system for the large oil storage tanks are evaluated.
Key words:  oil tank  active protection  nitrogen spillage  safety