引用本文:牛保伦,齐桂雪,谭肖. 一种高仿真耐温耐压微观可视化模型及应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2018, 47(4): 57-61, 72.
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为了研究地层多孔介质在不同驱替条件下剩余油的分布特征,选取特种玻璃材料,根据天然岩心薄片及铸体薄片数字化图像,采用激光刻蚀技术研制一种具备接近天然岩心孔喉特征的特制玻璃材质微观可视化模型,该模型耐压20 MPa、耐温100 ℃。研究发现,该模型能很好地应用于CO2驱油实验的剩余油研究,采用特种玻璃材质具有透光性好的优点,拍摄效果清晰,有利于观察和总结。引用九宫格图像拆分处理方法,通过软件计算定量描述剩余油。研究成果对微观剩余油的研究和深化机理认识具有重要的理论和实践指导意义。
关键词:  微观可视化模型  激光刻蚀  孔喉特征  CO2  剩余油类型及分布
A model of high-simulation and heat-pressure resistant micro-visualization and its application
Niu Baolun1, Qi Guixue2,3, Tan Xiao1
1. Petroleum Engineering Technology Research Institute, Zhongyuan Oilfield, Puyang, Henan, China;2. Exploration and Development Research Institute, Zhongyuan Oilfield, Puyang, Henan, China;3. Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
In order to study remaining oil distribution features in the porous media of formation under the condition of different displacement, the author used special glass materials to make microscopic visualization model which was close to the natural core pore throat characteristics. During the making process, digital images of the natural core chip and the casting thin sections have been used as well as etching technology. The mode’s maximum bearing pressure was 20 MPa and maximum bearing temperature was 100 ℃. The results showed that the model was well applied in the study of residual oil of CO2 flooding experiment. Using special glass material has the advantage of light transmission, and the shooting effect is clear, which is helpful for observation and summary. In this paper, the image resolution method to describe the residual oil by software was used. The research results have important theoretical and practical guiding significance for the study of microcosmic residual oil, and deepen the understanding of mechanism.
Key words:  micro visual model  laser etching  pore throat characteristics  CO2 flooding  remaining oil types and distribution