引用本文:王健,余恒,薛强,何涛,徐鹏,刘旭文. 尕斯E13油藏高温高矿化度调剖剂的研制与性能评价[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2018, 47(4): 68-72.
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尕斯库勒E13油藏高温高矿化度、油藏非均质性强、剩余油分散、在注水开发过程中水窜严重,导致水驱波及效率较低。对该类油藏,常规化学调剖堵水剂容易产生破胶、降解等现象,难以发挥明显作用。通过实验研制出在平均油藏温度为126 ℃,平均地层水矿化度为16.5×104 mg/L地层中调剖剂体系的优化配方:粗品魔芋粉(质量浓度5.0 g/L)+悬浮剂(质量浓度 700~1 000 mg/L)+交联剂(体积分数1.0%~1.2%)+除氧剂(质量浓度100~200 mg/L)。实验结果表明,该调剖剂在高温(126 ℃)、高盐(矿化度为16.5×104 mg/L)条件下老化30天后,堵剂体系微量脱水,无破胶现象,具有良好的耐温耐盐性能。
关键词:  高温高矿化度油藏  魔芋胶  调剖剂  配方  性能评价
Development and performance study of high temperature and high salinity profile control agent in Gasikule E13 reservoir
Wang Jian, Yu Heng, Xue Qiang, He Tao, Xu Peng, Liu Xuwen
State Key Laboratory of Oil/Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
In view of the high temperature and high salinity of Gasikule E13 reservoir, the reservoir heterogeneity is strong and the remaining oil is dispersed, and the water channeling is serious during water flooding development, resulting in low efficiency of water flooding. For such a high-temperature and high-salinity reservoir, the conventional chemical profile control plugging agent is prone to breakage and degradation, and it is difficult to play a significant role. The optimal formulation of the profile control agent in the formation with the average reservoir temperature of126 ℃ and the average formation water salinity of 16.5×104 mg/L was developed by the experiment:crude konjak powder (concentration 5.0 g/L) + suspending agent (concentration of 700-1 000 mg/L) + cross-linking agent (volume fraction 1.0%-1.2%) + oxygen scavenger (concentration 100-200 mg/L). The experimental results show that the profile control agent was aging 30 days under the conditions of high temperature(126 ℃) high salt (mineralization degree of 16.5×104 mg/L), then the plugging agent system of micro-dehydration has no broken plastic phenomenon with good temperature resistance and salt resistance.
Key words:  high temperature and high salinity reservoir  konjak powder  profile control agent  formulation  performance evaluation