引用本文:王宝杰,赵红娟,李志庆,王久江,滕秋霞,杨周侠. 水热处理对SAPO-34分子筛在MTO反应中的影响[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2018, 47(5): 45-50, 57.
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对SAPO-34分子筛在800 ℃、质量分数为100%水蒸气下进行0~100 h水热老化。结果 表明:随着老化时间的延长,相对结晶度呈下降趋势;总比表面积下降了59.6 m2/g,微孔比表面积下降了95.0 m2/g。NH3-TPD酸性测试表明,老化后SAPO-34的酸量大幅下降,尤其是强酸量下降幅度更大。在水热处理0~45 h内,酸性的变化尤为明显,而水热处理45 h以后,酸量变化幅度明显减少。固定床评价结果显示,在水热处理45 h之内,MTO反应中SAPO-34分子筛的寿命明显增加,但低碳烯烃的选择性未有改变,水热处理45 h以后,寿命几乎不变,但低碳烯烃的选择性明显变好,乙烯和丙烯收率最高可提高7.43%。
关键词:  MTO  SAPO-34  低碳烯烃  水热处理
Effect of steaming treatment on the performances of SAPO-34 in MTO reaction
Wang Baojie1, Zhao Hongjuan1, Li Zhiqing2, Wang Jiujiang1, Teng Qiuxia1, Yang Zhouxia1
1. Lanzhou Petrochemical Research Center, PetroChina, Lanzhou, Gansu, China;2. Jingbo Petrochemical Company Ltd., Bingzhou, Shandong, China
SAPO-34 was undergone by hydrothermal treating with 800 ℃, 100 w% steam for 0-100 h. XRD results showed that the relative crystallinity was decreased with the increase of the hydrothermal treating time. The BET surface area was decreased by 59.6 m2/g and micropore surface area decreased by 95.0 m2/g with treating time increased from 0 h to 100 h. NH3-TPD indicated that when hydrothermal treating time was between 0~45 h, the total acidities sharply deceased, especially the strong acidities. After 45 h, the change of acidities was little. Fixed bed reaction tests showed that when hydrothermal treating time was between 0~45 h, the catalytic life of SAPO-34 was prolonged over two times, while the selectivity for C=2 + C= 3remained nearly the same with SAPO-34 untreated. After 45 h, the selectivity for C=2 + C=3 was improved greatly but catalyst life didn’t chang. The yield of C=2 + C=3 was up to 7.43%.
Key words:  methane to olefin (MTO)  SAPO-34  olefin  steaming treatment