引用本文:侯研博,宋欣,孙刚正,谭晓明. 新型激活剂提高内源微生物驱油效果研究及应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2018, 47(5): 85-89.
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为了提高内源微生物驱油效果,引入微生物生长促进因子,形成一种新型激活剂体系。当新型激活剂体系中微生物生长促进因子RPOS-12质量分数为0.05%时,激活后内源微生物数量大于8.8×108 个/mL,同时提高了两种功能菌的含量,即乳化菌由104 个/mL提高至106个/mL、产脂肽菌由103 个/mL提高至104 个/mL。该体系激活后对柴油乳化指数达到100%、原油降黏率达到95.79%,洗油效率达到95.07%,一维物模实验提高水驱稠油采收率17.7%。现场试验表明,试验区单井产油量由4.3 t/d升至8.1 t/d,含水率从95%下降到86.5%,6个月4口井累增油量1 639 t。
关键词:  内源微生物驱  激活体系  生物生长因子  乳化降黏
Research and application of the new activator to improve the effect of MEOR
Hou Yanbo1, Song Xin2, Sun Gangzheng2, Tan Xiaoming2
1. SINOPEC Research Institute of Petroleum Processing, Beijing, China;2. Research Institute of Petroleum Engineering of Shengli Oilfield Company, SINOPEC, Dongying, Shandong, China
In order to improve the effect of microbial enhanced oil recovery(MEOR), a new activator was designed by introducing a microbial promoting factor. Through adding 0.05% microbial promoting factor RPOS-12 into activator system,bacteria number increased greatly to more than 8.8×108 cells/mL. Two emulsifying bacteria among them increased significantly,the geobacillus increased from 104 cells/mL to 106 cells/mL and the lipopeptide-producing bacteria increased from 103 cells/mL to 104 cells/mL. The experiment showed that the emulsification index of diesel reached 100%, the rate of oil viscosity reduction was 95.79%, and the oil displacement efficiency was 95.07%. Physical model test showed that the oil recovery rate increased by 17.7% in reservoir conditions. The field test showed that the test single well oil production increased from 4.3 t/d to 8.1 t/d, the water content decreased from 95% to 86.5%, the incremental oil production of the 4 wells was 1 639 t during the new activator injected for 6 months.
Key words:  endogenous microbial stimulation  activator system  microbial promoting factor  emulsification and viscosity-reduction