引用本文:邓瑞健,齐桂雪,谭肖,李鹏冲. 烃组分对CO2驱最小混相压力的影响[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2018, 47(6): 59-63.
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关键词:  烃组分  CO2混相驱  最小混相压力  表面张力  MMP预测模型
Influence of hydrocarbon components on the minimum miscibility pressure of CO2 flooding
Deng Ruijian1, Qi Guixue1, Tan Xiao1, Li Pengchong2
1. Zhongyuan Oilfield, SINOPEC, Puyang, Henan, China;2. Xinju New Material Technology Co., Ltd., Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Using interfacial tension vanishing experiment, the minimum miscibility pressure of the CO2 flooding was carried out on different simulated oil or hydrocarbons for the effects of crude oil compositions on miscibility capability in CO2-EOR. This paper analyzes the variation law of minimum miscibility pressure of heterogeneous hydrocarbon components in CO2 flooding, and then explores the key components which influence the minimum miscibility pressure of CO2 flooding in crude oil. The result shows that the minimum miscibility pressure of the different component of crude oil mixed with CO2 is different. The order of the minimum miscibility pressure of the same carbon number hydrocarbon components is:alkane, naphthenic hydrocarbon, aromatic hydrocarbon. The smaller the carbon number of the same hydrocarbon is, the smaller the minimum miscibility pressure is. The minimum miscibility pressure of the same carbon number mixed component is less than the minimum miscibility pressure of the pure hydrocarbon. As the content of low carbon alkanes in crude oil increased, the minimum miscibility pressure decreased. However, when the content of high carbon aromatic hydrocarbons increased, the minimum miscibility pressure increased. This research results supply data and theory supports for CO2-EOR in different kinds of reservoir.
Key words:  hydrocarbon component  CO2 miscible flooding  minimum mixing pressure  surface tension  MMP prediction model