引用本文:陈春来. 120 ℃环境友好型钻井液在冀东油田的应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2018, 47(6): 74-79.
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120 ℃环境友好型钻井液在冀东油田的应用
冀东油田为了从源头上解决钻井废弃物的环保问题,优选了环境友好的钻井液处理剂,开展了体系润滑性、抑制性和油层保护性能评价,研制出120 ℃环境友好型钻井液,并进行现场试验。应用效果表明:该钻井液润滑性好,抑制性能强,定向施工顺利,起下钻通畅,能够满足冀东油田中浅层地层现场施工的需要;体系滤失量低,渗透率恢复值均在90%以上,油层保护效果好;该体系荧光级别低于4级,电阻率可调,对现场录井无影响,环评指标均达标,钻井液废弃物短期内色度降低明显,降解速度快,环境友好。
关键词:  环境友好型钻井液  润滑性  抑制性  电阻率  油层保护
Application of 120 ℃ environment-friendly drilling fluid in Jidong Oilfield
Chen Chunlai
Drilling and Production Technology Institute, PetroChina Jidong Oilfield Company, Tangshan, Hebei, China
In order to solve the environmental problem of drilling waste from the source, the environmentally friendly drilling fluid treatment agent was selected, the performances of lubrication, inhibition and reservoir protection of fluid were evaluated, then 120 ℃ environment friendly drilling fluid was formed and field test was taken. The application results showed that the drilling fluid has good lubricity, strong inhibition performance, smooth directional construction, smooth drilling and tripping, which can meet the construction need of the middle and shallow strata in Jidong Oilfield, the system has low filtration volume, and the oil layer is well protected as the permeability recovery value is above 90%. The fluorescence is lower than 4 and the resistivity is adjustable. It has no impact on site logging, the EIA indicators are all up to standard, the chroma of drilling fluid waste obviously reduced in short term, the degradation speed is fast, and it is friendly to environment.
Key words:  environment-friendly drilling fluid  lubricity  inhibition  resistivity  reservoir protection