引用本文:杨树坤,郭宏峰,段凯滨,张博,刘文辉,石先亚. 小型化水质改善技术在海上油田的应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2018, 47(6): 104-110.
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针对海上某油田注入水长期不达标的问题,在生产水水质分析与认识的基础上,结合平台具体条件,制定了紧凑型旋流溶气气浮(CDFU)+两级精细过滤,并辅以水处理药剂的小型化水质改善工艺。CDFU具有结构简单、占地面积小、摆放灵活、抗波动性强等特点,可有效克服平台空间限制、来水波动大的难题;高效水处理药剂能够解决生产水中高含量H2S导致的水质发黑问题。该工艺在现场应用中取得良好效果,出水水质平均ρ(油)4.25 mg/L,平均ρ(悬浮物)0.45 mg/L,平均粒径中值1.35 μm,满足A2回注水指标要求,工艺可行性得到验证。该小型化水质改善技术的试验成功对于海上油田含硫生产水处理具有重要的借鉴意义。
关键词:  海上油田  水处理工艺  CDFU  小型化  H2S
Application of water quality treatment technology in an offshore oilfield
Yang Shukun, Guo Hongfeng, Duan Kaibin, Zhang Bo, Liu Wenhui, Shi Xianya
Production Optimization Division, China Oilfield Services Limited, Tianjin, China
Aiming at the problem that the current water quality cannot meet the water injection standard in an offshore oilfield, based on the analysis and understanding of the production water quality, combining with the specific condition of the platform, a CDFU (compact cyclone dissolved air flotation) with two-stage filtration was developed, accompanied by a miniaturized water quality improvement process with water treatment chemicals. CDFU has a simple structure, small footprint, flexible placement, and strong anti-fluctuation which can effectively overcome the problem of limited platform space and large fluctuation of incoming water. Besides, the high efficient water treatment agent can resolve the blackening and sedimentation problem caused by the high content of H2S. Satisfied results were achieved in the filed application, with the average oil mass concentration, the average suspended solids mass concentration, and the average particle size was 4.25 mg/L, 0.45 mg/L, and 1.35 μm, respectively. And the effluent quality was up to A2 reinjection water requirement index. Therefore, the feasibility of process was verified. The successful test of miniaturized water quality improvement process offers an important reference for the treatment of water containing sulfur in offshore oilfields.
Key words:  offshore oilfield  water treatment process  compact cyclone dissolved air flotation(CDFU)  miniaturization  H2S