引用本文:杨超越,常宏岗,何金龙,易铧,刘可,赵国星,等. 基于GB 17820-2018的天然气净化工艺探讨[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(1): 1-6.
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基于GB 17820-2018的天然气净化工艺探讨
1.中国石油西南油气田公司天然气研究院;2.国家能源高含硫气藏开采研发中心 ;3.中国石油西南油气田公司川中油气矿
近年来,随着我国对环保问题的日益重视,越来越严格的商品天然气标准给天然气净化厂脱硫装置带来了工艺升级改造的严峻挑战。为此,分析了国内外天然气净化厂商品天然气标准及国内天然气现状,并对可降低天然气中H2S及有机硫含量的3种天然气净化工艺:溶剂脱硫、分子筛脱有机硫和羰基硫水解工艺进行了分析,包括国内外研究现状,技术优缺点以及发展趋势等。结果 表明,为达到最新标准GB 17820-2018《天然气》的技术指标要求,部分净化厂需进行技术升级或工艺改进。改进措施首先考虑溶剂升级,若原料气中有机硫含量过高,考虑引入羰基硫水解技术;若原料气中硫醇含量较高,溶剂升级后仍有超标的风险,则需引入分子筛精脱有机硫技术。通过对以上3种措施进行选择性的结合,可基本消除天然气超标的风险。但在以上3种技术的实施和配合使用方面,还需进一步研发相关产品、技术及开发软件等。 
关键词:  天然气  净化厂  脱硫  GB 17820  工艺探讨  有机硫  升级改造  产品气达标 
Discussion on the purification process of natural gas based on GB 17820-2018
Yang Chaoyue1,2, Chang Honggang1,2, He Jinglong1,2, Yi Hua1,2, Liu Ke1,2, Zhao Guoxing1,2, Li Linfeng3
1. Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;2. National Energy R&D Center of High Sulfur Gas Exploitation, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;3. Central Sichuan Oil and Gas District, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Suining, Sichuan, China
In recent years, with the increasing attention to the environmental protection in China, the commercial natural gas standards are more and more stringent, which is a severe challenge to the upgrading process of desulfurization unit in the natural gas purification plants. Therefore, the commercial natural gas standards in natural gas purification plant at home and abroad and the domestic natural gas quality were analyzed. The research status, advantages and disadvantages and future trends of three desulfurization processes which could decrease the H2S and organic sulfur content in natural gas were also analyzed, including solvent desulfurization, molecular sieve refinement and carbonyl sulfur hydrolysis process. The results showed that to achieve stricter standard requirements of latest GB 17820-2018 Natural Gas, partial natural gas purification plants need technology upgrade or process improvement. Among the improvement measures, solvent upgrade should be first considered. If the organic sulfur content in feed gas is excessively high, the carbonyl sulfide hydrolysis technology can be used. If the mercaptan content in feed gas is excessively high, even if combining the solvent upgrade and COS hydrolysis technology, the purified gas still has the risk of exceeding standard. Then the technology of organic sulfur fine removal with molecular sieve can be used. Through selectively combining above three measures, the risk of purified gas exceeding standard can be basically eliminated. But according to the implementation and cooperation of above three technologies, further research in view of products, technologies and software need to be developed.
Key words:  natural gas  purification plant  desulfurization  GB 17820  process discussion  organic sulfur  upgrading  purified gas reach standard