引用本文:申林,侯东明,齐红元. 油气储罐缺陷的声发射无损检测定位精度优化[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(1): 104-108.
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为实现油气储罐罐体损伤部位声发射信号源的精确定位,提出一种优化定位方法。该方法对基于时差定位算法主要影响因素(噪声干扰、信号衰减、波速变化、传感器布置以及尺寸效应等)的影响机理进行理论分析,然后找到声发射源定位算法与各影响因素之间的对应关系,完成相应源定位参数的优化设置,最后以罐体部分区域为研究对象,分别对源定位参数优化设置进行对比试验验证。实验结果表明,该优化定位方法通过对各影响因素对应的参数优化设置,能有效地减小油气储罐中声发射源定位的误差,提高其声发射源的定位精度,为反演声发射源提供了一种有效途径。 
关键词:  声发射  定位方法  定位精度  影响因素  参数优化
Optimized method of acoustic emission nondestructive testing location precision based on oil and gas tank
Shen Lin, Hou Dongming, Qi Hongyuan
School of Mechanical Electronic and Control Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China
In order to achieve accurate location of acoustic emission (AE) sources in oil and gas tank, an optimized location method is proposed. The theoretical analysis of the influence mechanism of the main factors, such as noise interference, signal attenuation, wave velocity variation, sensor layout and size effect etc. based on the TDOA location algorithm is carried out. Then the correspondence between AE location algorithm and various factors is found, and the optimal settings of the corresponding source location parameters are completed. Finally, a part of oil and gas tank steel plat is taken as the research object, and the optimal settings of the source location parameters are verified by comparative experiments. The experimental results show that based on the parameters settings optimization corresponding to the influencing factors, the optimized locating method can effectively reduce the AE source location error in tank steel plat, improve the location precision of the AE source, and provide an effective method for the inversion of AE sources.
Key words:  acoustic emission  location algorithm  location precision  influence factor  parameter optimization