引用本文:何梦渊,李永生,潘涛,麻宏强,伍丹丹,李康婷. 基于吸收式热泵的锅炉烟气余热回收工艺系统性能研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(1): 115-120.
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1.兰州理工大学土木工程学院;2.中国石化达州天然气净化有限公司 ;3.中国石化中原石油工程设计有限公司;4.中原油田分公司石油工程技术研究院
为提高锅炉烟气余热综合利用效率,降低锅炉热损失,基于溴化锂吸收式热泵原理,开发了锅炉烟气余热回收工艺系统;采用理论分析方法,分析了系统的性能及其动态特性。分析结果表明:具有良好的制热效率并能有效节省锅炉燃煤量,减少CO2的排放;年节省标准煤量为5.13×105 kg,年减少CO2排放量4.04×105 m3;制热系数随蒸发温度增加略有减小,但变化趋势基本保持不变;热能转换率随循环水温差增大而逐渐升高;回收量标准煤与循环水温差紧密相关,受其他因素影响较小;热能转换率与减少CO2排放量呈正线性关系。以上结论为锅炉余热回收系统分析计算提供了理论依据。 
关键词:  烟气余热回收  溴化锂吸收式热泵  减少CO2排放量  特性分析
Investigation on the system performance of waste heat recovery for boiler flue gas based on absorption heat pump
He Mengyuan1, Li Yongsheng2, Pan Tao3, Ma Hongqiang1,3, Wu Dandan4, Li Kangting1
1. School of Civil Engineering, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou, Gansu, China;2. Dazhou Natural Gas Purification Co., Ltd, Sinopec Zhongyuan Oilfield Company, Dazhou, Sichuan, China;3. Sinopec Petroleum Engineering Zhongyuan Corporation, Puyang, Henan, China;4. Petroleum Engineering Technology Research Institute of Sinopec Zhongyuan Oilfield Company, Puyang, Henan, China
In order to improve the comprehensive utilization efficiency of waste heat boiler flue gas and reduce the boiler heat loss, the waste heat recovery system from boiler flue gas was designed based on the lithium bromide absorption heat pump. Furthermore, the performance and dynamic characteristics of the waste heat recovery system was analyzed with theoretical analysis method.The results showed that the system could exhibit high thermal efficiency and effectively save the amount of coal burning in addition to reduce the emission of CO2. The annual saving of standard coal could reach 5.13×105 kg while the annual reduction of CO2 emission was amount to 4.04×105 m3. The coefficient of performance(COP) would decrease slightly with the increase of evaporation temperature, but the change trend remained basically unchanged. The heat transfer rate was shown to increase with the temperature difference of circulating water. Besides, the recovery of standard coal was closely related to the temperature difference of circulating water, which was less affected by other factors. The system heat transfer rate was identified to have a positive linear relationship with the reduction of CO2 emissions. The above conclusions would provide a theoretical reference for the analysis and calculation of the boiler waste heat recovery system.
Key words:  waste heat recovery of flue gas  lithium bromide absorption heat pump  CO2 emission reduction  basic characteristics analysis