引用本文:何京玲,诸林. SDS和THF对水合物法捕集模拟烟气中CO2的影响[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(2): 63-69.
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采用搅拌式反应釜水合物生成实验装置研究动力学促进剂十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)和热力学促进剂四氢呋喃(THF)对水合物法捕集CO2的影响,用摩尔分数为25%的CO2和75%的N2混合气模拟烟气,分别探究不同浓度的SDS和THF对分离效果的影响;在此基础上,研究了不同初始压力、反应温度对分离效果的影响。结果 表明,SDS和THF的存在都能提高CO2回收率,但同时会降低分离因子。设定初始温度为3.5 ℃,初始压力为9.2 MPa时,加入质量分数为0.01%的SDS溶液后,CO2回收率较纯水中增大了4.3%,分离因子较纯水中降低了44.8%;设定初始温度为6.5 ℃,初始压力为3.7 MPa时,加入摩尔分数为0.5%的THF溶液后,CO2回收率较纯水中增大了30.4%,分离因子较纯水中降低了72.8%。在实验条件下,适宜的SDS质量分数为0.01%~0.05%,THF摩尔分数为0.5%~2%,初始压力的增加可以有效缩短水合反应的诱导时间,增大储气密度、CO2回收率和分离因子,降低温度能有效提高分离效果。 
关键词:  二氧化碳捕集  气体分离  水合物  促进剂  诱导时间  分离因子
Effect of SDS and THF on CO2 captured from simulated flue gas by hydrate based gas separation
He Jingling1,2, Zhu Lin1
1. School of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;2. Sichuan Province Academy of Industrial Environmental Monitoring, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
A stirred-kettle hydrate production experimental device was used to study effects of dynamic accelerator SDS (twelve sodium dodecyl sulfate) and thermodynamic accelerator THF (tetrahydrofuran) on CO2 captured from simulated flue gas by hydrate based gas separation (HBGS). Mixed gas contained CO2 with a mole fraction of 25% and N2 with a mole fraction of 75% was used to simulate flue gas. The effects of different concentrations of SDS and THF on the separation effect were studied. On this basis, the effects of different initial pressures and different reaction temperatures on the separation efficiency were studied. The results showed that both SDS and THF could increase the CO2 recovery, but simultaneously reduce the separation factor. When the temperature was 3.5 ℃ and the initial pressure was 9.2 MPa, adding 0.01 wt% SDS, the CO2 recovery increased by 4.3% and the separation factor decreased by 44.8% compared with pure water. When the temperature was 6.5 ℃ and the initial pressure was 3.7 MPa, adding 0.5 mol% THF, the CO2 recovery increased by 30.4% and the separation factor decreased by 72.8% compared with pure water. Under experimental conditions, more appropriate concentration of SDS and THF are 0.01 wt%-0.05 wt% and 0.5 mol%-2 mol%, respectively. The initial pressure increaseing can effectively shorten the hydration reaction induction time, increase the gas storage density, CO2 recovery and separation factor. Reducing the temperature can effectively improve the separation efficiency.
Key words:  capture of CO2  gas separation  hydrate  accelerator  induction time  separation factor