引用本文:向言,俞英,黄海燕. 络合铁法湿式脱硫再生反应动力学[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(3): 1-7.
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络合铁湿法氧化脱硫工艺吸收效率高,可操作性强,多数脱硫剂可再生且经济环保,是脱硫研究的热点之一。针对脱硫剂EDTA-Fe(II)溶液的氧化再生体系,采用静态的气液扩散反应器,运用电化学方法研究了络合铁法脱硫铁离子再生步骤过程中的反应动力学,建立了反应过程中络合亚铁浓度分布的理论模型并进行了模型检验。研究结果表明,再生过程对于EDTA-Fe(II)浓度、O2体积分数和体系氢离子浓度的反应级数依次为0.902、0.8和-0.152,反应表观活化能为14.24 kJ/mol。模型计算结果与实测数据吻合度较高,可以较好地预测再生过程中不同时刻对应的络合亚铁浓度变化。该模型对于指导络合铁脱硫再生反应器的设计和空气鼓风量、络合剂的补加量、添加位置等均具有一定的理论指导意义。 
关键词:  模型  动力学  氧化再生  络合亚铁  EDTA  脱硫
Regeneration reaction kinetics of complex iron wet desulfurization process
Xiang Yan, Yu Ying, Huang Haiyan
College of Science, China University of Petroleum (Beijing), Beijing, China
Complex iron wet oxidative desulfurization process has high absorption efficiency and flexible operability. Most desulfurizers can be regenerated, economic and environmental friendly. It is one of the hotspots in desulfurization research field. The oxidative regeneration system of EDTA-Fe(II) solution was studied in the gas-liquid diffusion reactor. The reaction kinetics of complex iron was studied by electrochemical method and the theoretical model of concentration distribution of complex ferrous iron was established and tested during the regeneration process. The results showed that the reaction order of oxygen volume fraction, EDTA-Fe(II) concentration and hydrogen ion concentration were 0.8,0.902 and -0.152, respectively, and the apparent activation energy was 14.24 kJ/mol. The calculation results of the model agreed well with the measured data, it could better predict the change of complex ferrous iron concentration at different time in the regeneration process. The model has some theoretical significance for guiding the design of regeneration reactor, the volume flow of air blast, the addition amount of complexing agent and the addition position in desulfurization process.
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