引用本文:许江,程中克,王小强,田亮,景媛媛,穆珍珍. 不同种类石脑油的裂解产物分布及收率对比分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(3): 23-27.
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为了对乙烯裂解原料进行优选及优化利用,开展了加氢裂化石脑油、煤化工石脑油、直馏石脑油、柴油加氢石脑油、焦化加氢石脑油的热裂解试验,分别对其裂解产物中乙烯、丙烯、丁二烯、甲烷、抽余C4、裂解液相产物收率进行了对比分析。结果 表明,不同种类石脑油的裂解产物分布和收率存在很大差异。如煤化工石脑油、焦化加氢石脑油裂解多产乙烯,加氢裂化石脑油裂解多产丙烯,直馏石脑油裂解丁二烯收率高达6.11%,焦化加氢石脑油的裂解抽余C4收率低至2.73%,柴油加氢石脑油裂解液相产物占比高。因此,结合裂解产物收率、原料成本及供应以及烯烃市场形势,合理选择石脑油进行裂解并有效利用其裂解液相产物可大幅降低乙烯生产成本、提升石脑油裂解制乙烯的综合竞争力。 
关键词:  石脑油  裂解  产物收率  低碳烯烃  液相产物
Comparative analysis on distribution and yield of pyrolysis products of different kinds of naphtha
Xu Jiang, Cheng Zhongke, Wang Xiaoqiang, Tian Liang, Jing Yuanyuan, Mu Zhenzhen
Lanzhou Petrochemical Research Center of PetroChina, Lanzhou, Gansu, China
For the optimum selection and utilization of ethlene pyrolysis materials, the thermal pyrolysis tests of hydrocracked naphtha, coal chemical naphtha, straight run naphtha, diesel hydrogenated naphtha, and coking hydrogenated naphtha were carried out. The pyrolysis yields of ethylene, propylene, butadiene, methane, residual C4 and pyrolysis liquid phase products were compared and analyzed. The results showed that the distribution and yield of pyrolysis products of different kinds of naphtha were very different. For example, coal chemical naphtha and coking hydrogenation naphtha pyrolysis produced more ethylene, the hydrocracked naphtha pyrolysis produced more propylene, the butadiene yields of the straight-run naphtha pyrolysis was up to 6.11%, and the coking hydrogenated naphtha pyrolysis residual C4 yield was as low as 2.73%, diesel hydrogenated naphtha pyrolysis liquid phase product ratio was high. Therefore, combined with pyrolysis product yield, the raw material cost and supply, and the olefin market situation, rational selection of naphtha for pyrolysis and effective use of its pyrolysis liquid product can greatly reduce the ethylene production costs, improve the comprehensive competitiveness of naphtha pyrolysis ethylene.
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