引用本文:刘雨舟. 浅析页岩气地面工程技术现状及发展趋势[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(3): 66-71.
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关键词:  地面工程  页岩气  技术现状  发展趋势  地面集输  返排液处理
Analysis on present status and development trend of shale gas ground engineering technology
Liu Yuzhou
Oil/Gas Development Division of PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
This paper reviews the present status and development trends of shale gas ground engineering technology in China. This paper analyzes the characteristics of shale gas ground engineering technology, such as determining difficultly in the size of the ground transportation system, large range of pressure changes of the gathering pipeline network and standardization, modularization and skid-mounted design of gathering process, large demand for supply and transfer water, treatment of fracturing back fluid and so on. The present status of shale gas ground gathering and transportation technology, shale gas treatment technology and fracturing back fluid treatment technology are discussed. The significance of building smart shale gas fields, benefit shale gas fields, and standardized and integrated shale gas fields is analyzed. The development trend of key ground engineering technologies such as sand production in shale gas wells, shale gas metering and dehydration, fracturing back fluid treatment, and shale gas pressurization are prospected.
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