引用本文:王飞,付峻,苗建. HYSYS软件在某海上气田三甘醇脱水工艺中的应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(4): 20-26.
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为了优化某海上气田三甘醇脱水工艺,确定合理参数,实现最优处理效果,采用HYSYS软件建立模型,在天然气处理量为200×104 m3/d、吸收塔操作压力(表压)为10 600 kPa、贫甘醇循环量为1.17 m3/h的工况下,对天然气入口温度、贫甘醇入口温度、贫甘醇质量分数、再沸器温度、汽提气流量进行模拟优化,得到各自变量与因变量之间的变化关系。在此基础上,得出最优运行参数,从而指导现场实际。经验证,在天然气入口温度为33 ℃、贫甘醇入口温度为40 ℃、贫甘醇质量分数为99.30%的工况下优化参数,天然气脱水系统运行正常,外输干气水露点达到平台外输标准,表明HYSYS软件可根据实际工况对现场工艺参数模拟优化,结果较准确,可在其他海上气田推广应用。
关键词:  天然气  脱水  三甘醇  海上气田  HYSYS
Application of TEG dehydration process by HYSYS software in an offshore gas field
Wang Fei, Fu Jun, Miao Jian
Shenzhen Branch of CNOOC (China) Co., Ltd., Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
In order to optimize the TEG dehydration process in an offshore gas field, determine reasonable parameters and achieve the optimal treatment effect, the HYSYS model was established to make a simulation under certain working conditions that the natural gas treatment capacity was 2×106 m3/d, the operation pressure (gauge pressure) of absorber was 10 600 kPa, and the lean TEG circulation was 1.17 m3/h. The relationship between independent variables and dependent variables was obtained by simulating and optimizing the inlet temperature of natural gas and lean TEG, lean TEG mass fraction, reboiler temperature, and stripping gas flow. On this basis, the optimum operation parameters were obtained to guide the process. It was verified that under the conditions of optimum parameters that the inlet temperature of natural gas was 33 ℃, the inlet temperature of lean TEG was 40 ℃ and the lean TEG mass fraction was 99.30%, the natural gas dehydration system operated normally, and the dew point of the dry natural gas reached the standard of natural gas transportation in platform. It showed that the HYSYS software could simulate and optimize the field process parameters according to the actual working conditions, and the results were relatively accurate. It could be popularized and applied in other offshore gas field.
Key words:  natural gas  dehydration  TEG  offshore gas field  HYSYS